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[Narrator POV]

Sunghoon felt a bright light shining on his eyelids. He groaned and instinctively covered his eyes with his arm.

"You're awake? Wash up and come down to eat.", Jihoon said, giving his baby brother's hair a good ruffle.

"Hyung, what time is it?", Sunghoon said groggily, still half-asleep.

Jihoon looked at his phone. It was just past seven. Sunghoon needed to practice early so he had to wake him up early.

"Seven. Now, hurry up and wash up. You fell asleep hugging your phone. I didn't know you liked him so much.", Jihoon teased him.

"Like? Who? Ugh, I feel like I had a good sleep. That's strange..", Sunghoon mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

Jihoon snorted and shook his head. His brother clearly likes his best friend but doesn't realise it. Sunghoon was still in bed so he grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at him.

"Ow!", Sunghoon yelped, fully awake now.

Jihoon smiled with a little smirk appearing.

"Last warning. You do want to get that gold, right?", Jihoon asked Sunghoon.

The figure skater pouted and slowly nodded. Jihoon raised his eyebrows as if asking him what should he do now. Sunghoon puffed out, upset. He resembled a little child who just got scolded.

"Fine! I'll get up.", Sunghoon finally got up from bed and walked towards the bathroom.

"Gosh, you're so mean..", Sunghoon whispered, just loud enough for Jihoon to hear.

"I heard that.", Jihoon said with a teasing tone.

Sunghoon turned around with a upset expression.

"Good!", He turned back and rushed into the bathroom, closing the door.

Jihoon chuckled and shook his head. His baby brother was just too cute. Jihoon gave Sunghoon time to wash up and closed the door on his way out.


[A week later]

"Jake hyung..Wake up.", Jake groaned and opened his eyes when he felt someone shaking him.

It was Jungwon. Enhypen's leader. Jake realised they must've reached the airport and sat up, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Are we here?", Jake asked groggily.

"We're close. Did you have a good nap?", Jungwon asked the aussie.

Jake chuckled and nodded.

"I did actually. The others still asleep?", Jake turned around and was startled by what he saw. Niki was sleeping with his head on Sunoo's shoulder and it was the same with Jay and Heeseung.

"What's up with them? Why are they so clingy to each other all of the sudden?", Jake asked Jungwon in a soft voice.

Jungwon chuckled and shrugged his shoulder.

"I don't know. They've been like that since they fell asleep. It's cute though.", Jungwon said with a smile.

"Feeling lonely now, Leader-nim? Need a shoulder to rest on?", Jake teased the leader, whose cheeks immediately turned a tinge of red.

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