18 : dinner.

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Jake's POV

"Babe, it's already getting dark and I know you're starving so wanna get dinner?", I asked Sunghoon while we walked through the streets, hands intertwined.

Sunghoon looked at me with wide eyes and flushed cheeks.

"Since when was my name babe?", I swooned at his cuteness before ruffling his hair.

"Thought you needed a pet name. We are dating, right?", Sunghoon smiled and nodded slowly.

"You're adorable, Shim Jaeyoon. Or do you prefer Jakey?", I felt my cheeks flush as I nodded.

"Jakey's good.", Sunghoon laughed and let go of my hand only to hook his arm around mine.

"And yes I would love dinner. I'm starving.", He whined softly while rubbing his stomach.

Perfect. Luckily, I remembered to book a reservation at a restaurant beforehand.

"Great. We have a reservation to get to.", Sunghoon's brows raised ever so slightly as he leaned into me while we walked.

"I don't deserve you, Jakey. Sometimes I think this is all a dream.", I frowned slightly at what Sunghoon said but smiled when he leaned into me more.

"This isn't a dream, baby. Your handsome boyfriend is here in the flesh. And don't ever say you don't deserve me. If anything, I don't deserve you."

Sunghoon sighed and nodded as he laid his cheek on my shoulder, being slightly taller than me. We walked to the restaurant basking in the sounds of the busy street, still attached to each other. I occasionally kissed his hair, making him giggle. It was ticklish to him apparently.

Not that it stopped me from doing it again and again. I would gladly listen to his cute giggles.

Unfortunately, I had to stop as we arrived at the restaurant. I smiled as the employee in the front recognised me.

"Jaeyoon! Fancy seeing you here!", The employee beamed, pulling me into a bro hug.

I could feel Sunghoon's glares at him as I chuckled quietly. My baby is jealous.

"Nonsense. You knew I was coming, hyung.", My brother grinned sheepishly as he held up his hands.

"Okay, reservation under Mister Shim Jaeyoon..Found it. Follow me, gentlemen.", I slapped his arm softly as he chuckled.

As we followed my brother into the restaurant to our table, Sunghoon clinged onto me again. I looked at him, confused.

"What's wrong, baby?", I asked softly.

He pointed to my brother. "Who is that man? He looked like he knew you. You know him too. Is he your ex?", I almost choked on my own saliva as he said it.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"He's my brother, babe. Don't you see how similar we look?", I asked him with a chuckle.

Sunghoon looked at my brother with raised brows and back to me.

"Oh! I see it now!", Sunghoon beamed as if he had found out something amazing.

I chuckled and ruffled his hair for the nth time today.

My brother stopped at a two person table and we took our seats.

"There's no need for ordering so just relax and enjoy our finest dishes that we have prepared for you two gentlemen.", My brother winked at me and secretly passed me a small box which I knew had a promise ring inside.

"Thanks hyung.", I mouthed to him. He smiled and nodded,walking away. I turned back to Sunghoon as he looked at me with suspicion.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?", I asked him as I carefully put the ring box into my right pocket.

He eyed my right hand which was below the table, out of sight.

"Nothing. Just when did you reserve us a place at this fancy restaurant?", he asked me with a soft smile. Woo. What a relief.

I almost melted at his smile but I grabbed his hand and put it in my hands.

"After you won gold, I wanted to spoil you so I immediately reserved us a place here. As you can tell, my brother works here so he could help me doing that.", I explained to him, looking at him with loving eyes.

I could see his cheeks becoming red as he held his cheeks with the other hand that I wasn't holding. I cooed making him even more flustered. I rubbed his hand that I held softly, calming him down.

"You're cute when you blush like that,baby.", I complimented him, bringing his hand close to my lips, giving it a kiss.

"Stop teasing me like that, Jakey...", Sunghoon whined, covering his face with both hands now that I let go of his hand.

I stopped teasing him but we had a good time talking about everything that we missed in each other's lives. He told me they got a cute puppy that he named after me but he's with his parents. In short, he wanted to tell me but he forgot to. I felt warm and fuzzy inside that he named a puppy after me. It felt like the puppy was my son.

"He is your son. I even showed him a picture of you and he licked my phone screen.", I laughed heartily as he told me that.

"He knows who his daddy is I guess. His mother is sitting in front of me in all his prettyness.", I said making Sunghoon blush for the nth time today.

"I'm his father too, Jake.", I laughed as Sunghoon huffed out, trying hard to be mad. It just made him a cute angry pretty figure skater.

to be continued in part 2 :)

a/n : splitting this chapter in two parts mainly because i don't want to make this chapter too long :)

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