17 : i love you

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Junseo's pov

"So, Seungwoo was in a drama with you way before we were dating and you kissed him when you were drunk?", Jungwon asked, shocked.

I chuckle at his expression and nodded.

"Yup. That's exactly what happened. He's just an idol I worked with. You didn't have to worry that I was cheating on you."

He frowned at me and laid his head on the table, looking sad.

"Pup, you okay? I'm sorry, if that's what you wanted to hear-"

"I should be the one apologising. Gosh, I feel so horrible now. I'm so so sorry."

"Hey, it's fine-"

"I'm so sorry. I'm so dumb for jumping to conclusions like that.", I frowned at Jungwon blaming himself.

I reached out and held his hand, making him look up at me from under his chocoball hair. I smiled and shook my head.

"Don't-Never blame yourself for what you thought it was. I can never hate you, Pup.", He pouted sadly at me. He looks the cutest when he pouts.

"Also, never call yourself dumb ever again."

My sudden change in tone seemed to startled him as he sat upright.

"I'm sorry! I'll never do it again!", He surprised me when he suddenly blurted it out.

I found it kind of cute and adorable. He's adorable. So fricking adorable. I couldn't resist and went over to him.

"Huh? Wait I said I was sorry- Ack!", I carried him bridal style getting a weird noise out of him.

I smiled down at him with a wink. He raised his left eyebrow with a playful smile.

"So are we gonna cuddle in my bed now?", Jungwon asked.

"Yup.", I said nonchalantly which made him chuckle.

"Lead the way, your highness."

I carried him all the way to his room and layed him down on the bed, climbing in afterwards. Jungwon wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in tight. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his body, one hand on his hair, playing with it.

"I missed this so much...", He whispered with a content sigh.

"Me too, pup. Me too.", I play with his hair before kissing his forehead.

"Never break up with me like that ever again. I don't think I can live then.", Jungwon gasped and backed up to look into my eyes.

"You're being serious? Don't ever say that to me again.", I chuckled and nodded, pulling him back into my chest.

"Okay, puppy. I won't.", He smacked my chest softly.

"You're so mean.", I could practically hear the pout in his voice.

"You're the cutest I swear."

We layed there in silence, the only noise being the low hum of the air conditioner and our soft breathing.

"Hyung? You asleep?", I opened my eyes and looked down at him.

"No. What's up?"

"Who was the one who took the pictures?", Jungwon asked hesitantly.

"My manager.", I scowled.

When I found out, I was confused. Why would he do this? But confusion quickly turned into anger. Lee Dongmin. Was he really the same Dongmin I knew back in the orphanage? He was so innocent so I never suspected him but now that I know, I felt betrayed.

"Eunwoo? B-but why? He seemed like a nice guy..", I chuckled darkly as I shook my head.

"Everyone's nice on the outside until you look inside...and vise versa.", I chuckled as I added the last part.

I smiled and looked down at my boyfriend as he pouted up at me.

"But you, puppy, are nice on the inside and outside. Aren't you?", I spoke to him almost like a puppy as his cheeks flushed red.

"You're such a flirt.", He hid his blushing cheeks into my chest which made me swoon over just how cute he is.

"I love you so much, Yang Jungwon."

"I love you so much too, Yang Junseo."

a/n : thinking of writing a bl story but with my own characters... should I do it?

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