Part 1 : best friends.

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a/n : i will be using jake's korean name for most of the ff except when he's with enhypen and maybe sunghoon :)


The crowd cheers as Sunghoon landed a triple axel flawlessly. Park Sunghoon is getting famous in the Figure Skating world. Some say he can live up to his comparisons to Yuzuru Hanyu but Sunghoon has firmly denied he can't do that. He would want to meet his idol someday but he's not at that stage yet.

Right now, he is trying to qualify for the Grand Prix Final. He finally made it to the Senior level and is now on the brink of qualifying for the finals. He is leading in the short program by a landslide but he can't afford to be complacent.

He ended his free skate successfully and his fans cheered and clapped for him. He couldn't hold back his smile as he looked around the rink to see his fans.

He was the last to perform so the scores were about to be announced.

First place went to Park Sunghoon from South Korea.

Sunghoon was shocked. He finally qualified for the finals. His fans roared and chanted his name. He needed first to qualify and he got it. He immediately broke down in tears. His coach side-hugging him, comforting the 20 year old.

"It's okay to let it out. You finally made it, Sunghoon.", His coach comforted him.

His coach has been there for him from the start. Sunghoon hugged him back.

"Thank you, Coach. Thank you so much...", His coach chuckled and nodded.

"No need to thank me. Your best friend is here.", Sunghoon pulled away from the hug, looking confused.

"Jaeyoon's here to congratulate you.", Sunghoon's eyes lit up.

"Jaeyoon? He's here? Where?", Coach chuckled at Sunghoon's eagerness to see his best friend.

"I'm here, Hoon~", The familiar aussie accent caught Sunghoon's attention.

Sunghoon looked behind his coach to see none other than Shim Jaeyoon, his best friend.

"Jaeyoon, you're here!", Sunghoon shouted in joy as he stood up and rushed over to Jake.

He caught Jake off guard as he jumped on the shorter boy, hugging the aussie.
Jake, on instinct, wrapped his arms around Sunghoon's waist, trying not to drop the figure skater.

"You're heavy, Hoon...", Jake couldn't help but tease him. Sunghoon didn't take it to heart and giggled.

"I'm surprised you can carry me.", Sunghoon whispered, nuzzling his face into Jake's neck.

Jake could feel Sunghoon's breath tickling his neck but tried not to blush.

"Okay, time to get off, my arms hurt.", Sunghoon laughed and nodded, getting off.

Sunghoon was still wearing his ice skates and almost tripped if it wasn't for Jake's arm around his waist.

"You're so clumsy. Why did you run with your ice skates still on?", Jake 'scolded' him.

Jake's care for Sunghoon made him feel wanted. It's the simple things that makes him happy.

"Congrats Sunghoon. You finally made it.", Jake said with a smile. Sunghoon felt his heart beat a thousand times faster.

"Th-Thanks, Jaeyoon...", Sunghoon stuttered making Jake chuckle.

"You remember what you promised, right?", Jake asked.

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