15 : the two couples

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Sunghoon's POV

I completely forgot about yesterday as Jake woke me up telling me to get ready for our date. Having our first date in a foreign country really is a dream.

It was winter in Barcelona so we wore something that could keep us warm. As we were going to leave the hotel, a voice stopped us.

"Ooh, going on a date already?", My cheeks flushed as Yuzuru teased us.

He had a luggage beside him. It seemed like he was already going home. Yuzuru approached us dragging his luggage behind him.

"You're going home already?", I asked him even though I already knew.

He smiled and nodded.

"I'll let you guys talk. I have to take this call.", Jake told us.

I nodded and pecked his cheek.

"Don't take too long.", Jake said with a smile, ruffling my hair.

As Jake left the hotel to take the call, another person showed up.

"Oh, is this the talented Park Sunghoon in front of me?", a familiar face said with a teasing tone.

It was Javier Fernandez! Oh my god! My two idols in front of me! This must be a dream...

"Oh Javier, I was just about to introduce you to him.", I looked at how Yuzuru smiled at Javier and I realised something.

Is Yuzuvier real?!?

"Uh, I know this is weird to ask but are you guys dating by any chance?", I asked, hopeful.

Javier seemed to find it funny as he laughed heartily. Yuzuru just chuckled and hooked his arm with Javier's.

"We are. Why? Do you ship us?", I gasped and covered my mouth, trying not to squeal.

OMG. OMG. OMG. This must be a dream!
My favourite ship is actually real?! I must be the luckiest fan ever.

"You know, Sunghoon, you're a cute boy. We would love to have a son like you. Right, Yuzu?", Yuzuru smiled and nodded.

Yuzuvier would love to have me as their son? OMG. Can they please adopt me already.

"You can adopt me if you guys want.", I said with a straight face.

Javier laughed heartily as he leaned on Yuzuru for support.

"Oh my god, he's a funny boy too! Yuzu, I think we should adopt him.", Javier said, catching his breath.

"Sadly, we can't, Vier..Jihoon would kill me. I'm sure Sunghoon wouldn't want to be separated from Jihoon as well.", well, he's not wrong.

"Well, we don't want to take up your date time and we're in a bit of a hurry to the airport. Congrats on the gold again, Sunghoon. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the Olympics.", Yuzuru said with a wink.

I gulped, feeling pressured, and nodded.

"Yeah! What Yuzu said. You remind me of him, Sunghoon. You both can pass off as twins!", Yuzu laughed and smacked Javier's chest softly.

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