11 : mine.

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Eunwoo's POV

I can't believe he didn't recognise me. We were best friends at the orphanage. The bestest. Ever since I turned 18 and was old enough to be alone, I worked my way to get closer to Junseo. My plan isn't working as I expected. That kid is still with him and I'm not okay with that.

I will get you Junseo. You're mine. No one else.


As I read the comments on Junseo's relationship with Jungwon was mostly positive, I felt angry by the second. He's mine. He's fucking mine.

"Hey, Eunwoo! I was wonder-", I was startled by Junseo and unconsciously slammed my phone on the table, screen side down.

Junseo looked at me surprised. I felt my cheeks burning up.

"Woah there. You okay? You look a bit red...", Junseo reached his hand out to touch my cheeks. My eyes grew wide and I stopped him, grabbing his hand.

Junseo looked at me with wide eyes.

"I-I..", I struggled to make out a sentence.

I just let go of his hand and backed away from him. He cleared his throat and the room was filled with awkward silence.

"Umm, anyways I was just wondering if you wanted to get coffee? You've been working so hard for me. Thought you might love a coffee. It's on me. , I couldn't help but smile.

He's still the same. Cute and caring. I can't wait for him to be mine. That Jungwon doesn't deserve him. Yeah, he's a nice and innocent kid. I really don't want to hurt him but if he doesn't back away, I might have to.

"Eunwoo? Did you hear me?", I snapped back to reality and turned to him, smiling brightly at the handsome devil in front of me.

"Yeah. I'd love coffee. I'm touched you thought of me, hyung.", I could see his cheeks flushed ever so slightly as he smiled softly, patting my back.

"You're my manager. Of course I'd think of you.", Manager and idol. That's what you see us as, huh? Why don't you remember me, hyung?

Why don't you remember your best friend? Your Eunwoo. I took that picture and leaked that you were step-brothers with him in hope that you'd break up with him. All it did was bring you closer to him. I'll have to do it myself.


Jake's POV

Our 3rd year anniversary is tommorow and I had planned a surprise for Sunghoon. It might or might not involve a ring. Hey, shh! Don't tell him. This stays between us, okay? Jungwon knows too but anyways onto the surprise.

I looked at the ring box in my hand and felt a smile creeping up my face. He will definitely love this surprise. I really hope he says yes and doesn't say no just because we're too young. That would really hurt my heart.

I sighed and closed my eyes, closing my hand around the ring box. I opened my eyes again and it caught sight of my promise ring on my left hand.

"Maybe I should take this off to give him a hint...", I said to myself.

"Take what off?", Someone said suddenly, startling me, making me drop the ring box.

My eyes widen as I scrambled to pick it up, hiding it behind my back. As I saw who it was, my fear went away. It was Sunoo.

"Oh Sunny. Uhh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it.", I said with a smile, secretly putting the box in my pocket.

Sunoo tilted his head at me as if he was suspicious of me. I gulped hoping he wouldn't say anything about it. He just shrugged and went over to my bed and sat on it. I furrowed my brows at him.

"Do you need anything? It's rare to see you coming to my room and not staying in Riki's room.", I could see Sunoo's cheeks flushed and he looked down.

Oh. Oh. So that's what this is all about. I smiled and sat on my bed beside him.

"You have something to tell me, don't you?", I said, encouraging him to talk to me.

Sunoo let out a sigh and suddenly turned to look at me.

"I love Riki. Like not as best friends. But something...more.", Sunoo said quickly. I wouldn't have understood anything he said if I wasn't used to his fast talking when he's nervous.

"Something more? So you're saying like a boyfriend?", Sunoo nodded.

Ha! I knew it! Took him long enough.

"Come here, you big cute baby.", I pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back.

"I'm so proud of you. You finally realised that you love Riki. I think I'm gonna cry.", I said, fake sobbing as Sunoo chuckled, returning the hug and burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"I don't know what to do, Jake. Help me please..", Sunoo said, his voice almost cracking.

I released from the hug and patted his head softly.

"Of course I'll help my baby. How about I help you confess after I celebrate my 3rd year anniversary with Sunghoon? It's just tommorow.", Sunoo thought about it and smiled, nodding.

"Good luck. I really hope he says yes.", My eyes widen as Sunoo said it.

"Di-Did y-you h-hear-", Sunoo chuckled and nodded.

"You promise me you won't tell any of the members? Or anyone else?", Sunoo took my hand and wrapped his pinky around mine.

"I pinky promise.", Ack! He's just so cute! Sunghoon, can we please adopt him?

"Thanks, sunny. Now go on and sleep early.", Sunoo got off my bed and went over to the door. He stopped and turned around.

"Thanks, Jake. You're the first I've told and I'm so glad you're helping me.", Gosh, this boy doesn't fail to make me smile.

"It's fine, Sunny. You should really go to sleep now.", I said, chuckling.

"Okay, Dad, whatever~", Sunoo says before walking out, closing the door.

I stared at the closed door where Sunoo once stood.

Did he just call me Dad?!


a/n : yes, eunwoo is the person behind the leak and photo of junseo and Jungwon. surprise? anyways, I realised I didn't show the other members so yes sunki is canon in my book :)

also, thank you for 4k+ reads and 730+ votes ! it really means a lot that yall like the story :')

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