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penguin.hoon stay strong bestie! penguins and engenes are with you!

username1 PERIODT.
username2 don't listen to those haters, wonnie :(
username3 your both disgusting lmao
it's literally incest and your supporting it
¬username2 learn grammar first before commenting :)
¬username3 ok but it's still incest
¬username2 no? like they're not blood related?
y_junseo give me my jungwon back @penguin_hoon
¬penguin_hoon come get him yourself ;)
¬jakey_shim baby, just give him back, come watch dramas with me :(
¬penguin_hoon jakeyyy :( ugh fine.


Sunghoon's POV

The TV was playing as I sat beside Jake on the sofa, his arm around me. Jake was focused on the drama while my mind was on Jungwon. I'm worried for him. The comments was very harsh.

"Jake, I'm worried for Jungwon.", I broke the peaceful silence and spoke up.

Jake turned to me with eyebrows raised.

"Why? Is is the hate comments?", I nodded.

Jake sighed and nodded. He took the TV remote and turned off the TV.

"I'm worried too. But I know Junseo won't let him get overwhelmed by it. He loves him too much. So you don't have to worry, okay?", I sighed and nodded.

Jake smiled and rested his palm on my cheeks, carrassing it. I leaned into his palm, closed my eyes, smiling in content.

"Isn't our third year anniversary coming up soon?", Jake asked, making me open my eyes.

"Oh yeah! We've been boyfriends for three years. It's almost unbelievable.", Jake chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Why? We're the cutest idol couple.", Jake said with a sassy voice.

After three years, I decided to take a break from Figure Skating. I finally achieved what I wanted a few months ago and that was winning an Olympic Gold medal. Of course Yuzuru immediately called me congratulating me on the win and he asked what I plan to do next.

I didn't know at first. One of my other goals in life was to become a singer.
So I told him that. He said if I really want to, take a break from Figure Skating and pursue that dream. So I did.

"How's the debut album going?", Jake asked me with a curious look.

"Great actually. The producers are saying I have good vocals. We decided on RnB for the title track and I know penguins will love it."

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