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I stretched my arms out wide listening to loud ringing of my alarm vibrate my whole bed. The sun peaked through my curtains blinding my eyes as the clock ticked silently.

Today was our debut day.

The day I am finally going to debut as a Kpop Idol. I've waited so long for this day I felt so happy and relieved that the past years are finally pay off.

It's been a few days since the incident with Sungchan and i'd say we've been quite shy around eachother. The thing is, i'm not sure if our relationship is going somewhere serious as it only seemed like it was for the fun.

I really hope our relationship isn't only for fun as I genuinely have feelings for Sungchan that wasn't only for the kisses. I wanted a relationship with him and I hope that's what he wants.

It's currently 6am in the morning and my heart was starting to pound and I felt somewhat nauseous because of how nervous I was for our debut.

I could hear the others already loud and awake because of the loud talking from the living room.

My body quickly rushed to the bathroom taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth so I looked ready and alive for the long day ahead.

Our debut stage was being recorded at 10 today which meant we all had to get there pretty early.

Ever since everything happened with Sungchan, i've kinda been more flustered around him and the fact that he has a huge hickey doesn't help.

My phone started to buzz loudly making me give the phone a side look and noticing their from Sungchan.

Y/N, let's talk tonight :))
Delivered 1 minute ago

My brows raised and my lips formed a smile, I wondered what he wanted to talk about and thought about all the different possibilities, he could only wanna have a causal conversation, but if he wanted to talk about something more.

Ask me out?

No that's too far.

I sat in front of the huge bright mirror as the make-up artist started to apply makeup on my face, the clock was ticking fast and our debut was getting closer and closer.

Even with everything going on, I couldn't stop thinking about Sungchan though, it's like he was engraved in my brain.

As cheesy as this sounds, I would say i don't even have a crush on the boy anymore, I would say it's love. I'd say i'm in love with Sungchan.

I'm in love with my bestfriend.

"y/n?", i turned towards the voice and nodded my head, "Sungchan is here" My head towards the door and saw the tall, fit boy walk in with a huge smile on his face.

The boy quickly grabbed a chair that was randomly scattered around the room and placed it beside at chair and sat himself down.

"what are you doing here?" I chuckle but then suddenly feeling my breath hitch, My eyes looked down and felt Sungchan's hands on top of mine caressing the top of it.

"i can't be here to support my best friend?" he smirked and chuckled as I pushed his hands off mine. "not here" I mouth to him knowing he's trying to tease me.

Wether or not I like it, I can't risk it, today is our debut day and if any of our managers or staff members see Sungchan doing any of that. I'd most likely get in trouble and that's something i'm avoiding.

The managers and staff members know that Sungchan and I are best friends but that's about it.

The make-up artist continued applying make-up as time slowly went on.

Slowly time went on until it was 10.00. My stomach was in pain due to all the butterflies I felt and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears.

I stood in front of a mirror as the cameras recorded me doing some actions for our scene with our ae characters.

Sungchan stood at the side slowly monitoring my actions making me feel safe yet, nervous, he made me feel safe because my bestfriend of 13 years is here supporting me but felt nervous because he is the guy i'm in love with.


The 5 of us quickly ran towards the changing room to change our clothes, "you look so pretty y/n, it's in real"

My body tensed up and I turned my head a bit to see Sungchan scrolling through his phone, "shut up, my manager is literally right there" I spat at him and eating a glare from him.

"I know you like what I said y/n, don't lie to me"

My breath hitched a bit and pulled him closer to
me, I was about to risk it all but if this was going to get him to be quite ill do it.

I stood on my tippy toes and quickly kissed him, the kiss lasted about 5 seconds before I pulled away, "now will you shut up"

A smirk appeared on my face as I ran towards the stage standing in between Giselle and Winter.

"i bet you just kissed Sungchan"

hi everyone! i'm so so sorry i've been inactive but i would just like to say i'm back and i'm home so that means i will be writing way more now! i hope everyone forgives me for being inactive 😭 but i love all of you guys and thanks so much for reading

best friend | sungchanWhere stories live. Discover now