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sungchan? what are you doing?
read 10 minutes ago by Sungchan

I threw my phone on the bed and rolled my eyes, "here we go again?" I sigh and turned towards Sunghoon, "what's wrong?" He furrowed his brows together and looked back to his phone, "nothing it's fine"

"so? why'd you wanna come hangout?" I asked him while i stared at him, "well, i saw you and i thought since we haven't hung out in a while we should hangout right?" Sunghoon said shrugging his shoulders.

I nodded my head and let out an okay, I've got to admit, my feelings for Sunghoon hasn't gone away. I mean when you date someone and you suddenly break up, your feeling obviously won't go in a snap.

I searched my drawer for a sticky note when I suddenly came across a stack on polaroids, I slowly looked through each one of the polaroids until I came across several polaroids of Sunghoon and I.

One picture was of Sunghoon and I eating ice cream and a spoon was in sunghoon's mouth and I was laughing. Another was of us posing with Enhypen's debut album, there were other photos there of us but these two were my favourites.

"here are some of our polaroids from a while ago" I said passing it towards him, I turned towards the stack which still had some other photos of us.

"y/n?" I turned my heads towards Sunghoon and raised my brow, "are you with sungchan?" he asked which caught me off guard, "what? no? why would we be going out?" I said stuttering and feeling flustered.

"well, i don't know, i'd assume that if you made out with someone to the point where there are some light marks on you it would be pretty obvious" he explained with a jealous expression on his face.

I jumped out of my chair and ran straight to the mirror that was sitting on my dresser, pushing my hair out of the way I looked at them as I gasped.

They weren't bad, they really weren't, the just looked minor mosquito bites, but way bigger. "how am i gonna cover these from our manager" I murmured as I opened my drawers to search for lotion and some type of cream.

"just tell them their rashes or mosquito bites but bigger" Sunghoon said walking up behind me and taking a closer look, "my debut is literally in 4 days" I yelled out loud and applied some cream it"

"well you should've thought more about it y/n" Sungoon said grabbing the powder from my drawer and applying it on me now.

"so, you were saying, are you going out with him or are you not?" Sunghoon turned away from me and put the powder back in my drawer, "we're not going out, we just got a little carried away" I replied.

"besides, why do you care anyways if we're going out" I questioned him, "oh it's nothing, just kind of curious"

We stayed silent for a while until Sunghoon's notification go off, I watched as he checked to see what it was, "oh, it's Jake, he said i've gotta get back now"

I nodded my head and walked him towards the door, "alright, stay safe y/n, i'll see you next time" Sunghoon waved goodbye to me and left the place.

As soon as he left the place, I sprite towards my room and quickly applied more and more cream onto the marks.

please, please, please be gone tomorrow.

I mentally died inside as I stared at myself in the mirror. In 4 days, i'm officially going to achieve my dream of being an idol, but i have stupid hickies on my neck and jaw.

I grabbed my jacket and walked out of the house on my way to NCT's dorms, this was quite risky but I wanted to find Sungchan.

The dorms were pretty much across ours so it wasn't a long walk, I knocked on the door loudly and waited for someone to answer the door.

After about of standing in the snow Mark finally answered the door, "oh, y/n? what are you doing here?" He asked me with a confused face, "is Sungchan here?" I replied while trying to look inside the house.

"no? actually? he said he was with you?" Mark said pulling me inside because he noticed that i was freezing. "oh? wasn't with with me? I was with a friend" I admitted and awkwardly scarched my neck.

"oh my god, y/n, is that a hickey on your neck and jaw" Mark loudly said while touching it which caused the whole room to go a silent and turned towards me.

"oh shut up mark, they're rashes alright" I groaned at him and slapped his hand away from my neck, "sungchan did this didn't he?," I shook my head "cmon don't lie to me, he did this right?"

I nodded my head in defeat and muttered a "yeah", Mark stared cheer on for a second until I punched him,  "I knew that guy wasn't that innocent,"

I rolled my eyes and glared at him, "don't tell a soul or i'll be at your grave tonight" I threatened him and turned to leave when I heard mark say "can't wait to tease you and sungchan for the rest your lives"

I glared at him for the second time and left the place, my only concern now was where exactly is Sungchan? I know he was probably angry over the fact that I hung out with Sunghoon but I don't care.

cmon, stop being immature and tell me where you are????
Sent to Sungchan 17.17

i've been posting everyday just because i'm in my mums home town and I have nothing to do so i've been writing and i'm preparing for my next ff!! It so cold here too and my nose is blocked pls 😭😭 PAIN
anyways, have a good day everyone

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