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I held Sunghoon's hand in mine as we at on the balcony of his dorms. "y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

I blushed furiously at his comment, and pointed to myself in shock. He nodded his head with a big smile on his face. I stayed silent for a while still in shock from his comment.

"yes, i will be your girlfriend Sunghoon"

I pulled him into a hug, "i would love too"

He pulled me closer to him and he held my chin up to kiss me, his soft lips touched mine, as he intertwined his fingers with mine.

I pulled away and gave him the biggest hug, all the worries left me brain. He's my happiness, he made me feel so safe in his embrace.

I felt him tug at me, I looked up to him as he pulled me inside. I followed behind him still holding his hands, He led me into his room and to the closet.

I looked over to his hands which had two hoodies in, "i know you like my hoodies, so you could take these two" He said putting a velvet bronze hoodie over my head.

"fits you perfectly y/n", he put his arms around my shoulders and pushed me down the bed. "let's cuddle now, i'll walk you home before your curfew"

As I laid there in his embrace he slowly plaid with my hair, I always thought that this would've been with Sungchan. Though, it happened with Sunghoon.

The cuddles, the kisses and the crush.

"Thanks for bringing me home Sunghoon" we stood in front of the door. I opened the door and waved at him half way closing the door

"wait!", I opened the door open again receiving a kiss from him. A kiss on the forehead, cheek, chin and lips.

I blush and kiss his lips myself, "i love you y/n" he waved at me as I closed the door.

The thing I had no idea about was the fact that Sungchan was on the way here, he saw everything. His heart broke into trillions of pieces.

Sungchan thought to himself, he thought that he was being a bad best friend, he really wanted to spend time with me, but not only as a best friend, but more as a crush.

Something else he has bothered him. The hoodie I was currently wearing, it was a bronze, velvet hoodie. He knew clearly that I would only wear pastel hoodies which bothered him.

He would rather see his own hoodies on me but not Sunghoon's hoodie.

He saw the kiss happen as well, it really bothered him. It never really hit him that he liked his best friends. He never thought someone else's lips would be on yours and that it wasn't his lips.

He jogged over to the door quickly right after Sunghoon left and knocked loudly.

I was right about to answer the room but I walked to the door to answer it.

"hi, sungchan"

It starts with Y/N a trainee in SM Ent with her best friend Sungchan beside her through everything. She had a crush on her best friend but the thing that ruined everything was the fact that he likes this girl.

It broke her inside, but she found Sunghoon, and now her feelings for Sungchan has slightly gone away.

And for Sungchan? his relationship with Eunji ends and his feelings for Y/N has shown.

It bloomed like a daffodil on the first day of Spring.
Y/N's smile made him blush and have butterflies. She made him laugh even if the joke wasn't funny.

The night he was going to kiss her, she turned him down. Minutes before his move, he felt like it was the right move, the perfect move.

It backfired, y/n rejected the kiss, and as she rejected him. He felt as if everything in his life fell apart.

He met Eunji, someone he genuinely loved and someone who made him happy.

Though, Eunji hated y/n, she treated her badly. He treated her in a way Sungchan hated.

That's the reason why they  broke up, and still after the relationship he never really knew he liked you. He thought he would've lost all of the emotions after his relationship.

Now, Y/N is dating Sunghoon. the tables has turned.

Sungchan is now the one who has a crush on Y/N.

hi, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hope you have a great day bye! sorry for the mistakes in the chapter. i'm tired now so i'll come back tomorrow to fix them

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