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I sat at the studio's couch and stared at the ground, what the hell have i done to make Sungchan so angry, I looked around the room and saw Eunji.

She had a smirk on her face as she looked over to me.

"so, y/n, what's up with you, you haven't been with sungchan"

She suddenly sat beside me, i shook my head and stayed silent.

"i should go and get my sungchan now since you're not friends anymore"

I scoff, "yeah go and get him, i can't possibly care" I stand up for the couch leaving her

I heard her giggle, I can't possibly hate anyone more than I hated Eunji, but before I could do anything she pulled my wrist.

"y/n, you do know I wouldn't make your life easy"

and again before she could continue her sentence I saw Sungchan walking in the door.

"Y/N, come with me, Eunji leave her alone please"

Sungchan pulled me out of the room, but only to let go of my wrist a seconds later.

"stop away from Eunji", he looked back at me coldly, he walked away shortly after looking at me.

"what's wrong sungchan"
"what is it, why are you ignoring me"

I pulled on his wrist, to make him look at me.

"haven't you figured it out already, it's right in front of your eyes y/n" he sigh loudly

"what? what's right in front of my eyes? If you would just tell me sungchan, maybe you wouldn't have to ignore me and be immature about it" I suddenly yell out.

Luckily there were nobody surrounding us, it was just the two of us.

"sungchan, i miss the days where we would never argue, i miss that, all we do now is argue" I whisper-yelled at him, i looked around me and i stared at him with teary eyes.

"i miss those days too y/n, but i'm afraid it won't go back to being that way if you can't see the problem"

With those words coming out of his mouth, he felt, he walked away and left me there, it felt sickening, it felt like i was about to puke all over the ground.

believe me, i miss the days when we were both closer than ever, but if she couldn't understand why i'm mad at her, than she's going to have to deal with it.

It hurt equally to me, it hurt that after dating soemome for a week or two she would change the wallpaper that meant lots to us.

I left her standing there in silence, i knew she was probably crying, but I think she deserves it.

The only reason why I came in the studio was because i didn't want her to be near Eunji, i know she could do anything to y/n.

I walk down the hill on my way to the dorms when i accidently bumped into someone.


Great timing, out of all the people i bump into her, "sorry, i'll get going" I spoke trying to get around her,

"i'm not letting you around me until we're friends again"

I sigh knowing she won't give up, y/n isn't the type of person to do so.

"well, do you know reason now?" I questioned her at least giving her a chance to be forgiven, though she stayed silent and shook her head.

Please, what's so hard to understand, it's literally right there.

"well, i'll give you this, your phone, that's all i've gotta say to you right now"

I brushed past her and continued to walk back home, the SM artists all stay at the dorm around each other which would be normal to bump into each other.

I get back home and walk into my room, i threw my bag at the ground and laid on my bed.

Turning over to my right I saw the photo of Y/N and I together, we were in a photo booth, posing and making silly faces.

Without knowing I quickly flipped the photo around just so I wouldn't have to see her.

You know, maybe it's just the crush I have on her which is making me feel this way? Is it?

Have i been overreacting?

Have i been a little to harsh on her?

No, she knows how important that photo is to the both fo us.

hi friends, short chapter i know! sorry for being so dry, as i wrote this in watching twilight and MAN i love robert pattinson. anyways that doesn't have any relation of kpop..... anyways, have a lovely day luvs

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