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My eyes slowly fluttered open as I I felt weight on my right, I turned towards what felt heavy and saw Sungchan with half of his chest was on me.

His face was facing the pillow and it was smudged into the pillow as well. I listen as slight snores left his mouth making me smile.

I tried to move a bit but left his arms around my waist making freeze in my position and blush lightly. Yes sungchan and i have slept in the same bed together.

In fact we've slept in the same bed together since we were like 8? but this this was different, he cuddled me, he had his arms around my waist, he was cuddling me.

I was about to grab my phone but I paused when i felt Sungchan's fingers still wrapped around mine.

It made me so nervous yet happy but at the same time nervous. This is the exact same moment my crush for Sungchan came back in an instant.

I had no idea what time it was, I had to get to the studio because the teasers for our ae characters were being released.

I tried to wriggle out of Sungchan's embrace but he only responded with a groan, I turned around and looked at my digital clock that was on my bed side table.

11.39? Okay i still have a few hours till i have to go, I thought wether or not I should go back to sleep but whatever the answer was. My eyes wanted to stay awake.

I admired Sungchan for a while until he stared to
move around making me freeze again in my position for the second time as I felt Sungchan move up closer to me.

He cuddled me tighter making me think wether or not he realized what he was doing. Was he only hugging and cuddling me cause he was dreaming of something?

Did he think I was Eunji of something? It made me think about all the possibilities.

"y/n?" Sungchan suddenly called out slowly waking up, As he came to realization that he was cuddling me.

Sungchan quickly sat up and cleared his throat, He fixed his hair which was all frizzed together from his little nap. I sat up myself feeling a little shy and sad that our cuddle session ended.

"so sorry about that y/n, i was asleep I had no idea what I was doing" Sungchan apologized and rubbed the side of his neck.

"it's alright, i was also taking a nap" I awkwardly smiled, "so? how was your nap?" he asked me while taking off his hoodie revealing the white t-shirt he had on, "sorry, it's getting hot in here"

"it was good, how was yours?" I muttered nervously obviously because I was shy. "it was fine, it was comfortable too" Sungchan replied making me blush widely.

Did he do it on purpose or did he do it because of his sleep?

I grabbed my phone and laid back down under the blanket, I continued to scroll on my phone trying to forget everything that just happened.

I couldn't help to notice something though, Sungchan was staring at me, it made me nervous and shy because I had no idea why he was.

"stop staring, do you wanna be known as the creep who stares at his best friend" I yelled at him jokingly, he chuckled and looked away, "well it's hard to look away when your best friend is that pretty"

My eyes widened and I went speechless, At the current moment I had no idea what to say, was I supposed to flirt? was I supposed to stay quiet?

"well, i guess it the same way for me?" I said with a smirk on my face, I notice Sungchan blushing which made me blush myself.

I waited in silence for Sungchan's response while I sat there acting like nothing happened, "sucks to find out that we're only best friends?" Sungchan muttered.

My breath hitched as I got nervous and shy, I sat up and excused myself, "i'm gonna go to the kitchen to get a drink"

I stood up from the bed and left my bedroom, I freaked out as soon as I stepped out. I jumped, danced, silently yelled from happiness.

Okay time to get a drink now.

I opened the fridge and searched the shelves, perfect a soda. I had a bad habit of drinking lots of soda which was probably not food for me. But it was great because it energized me.

I saw as Sungchan suddenly walked out the room with a smirk on his face, I felt the butterflies in my stomach because I had no idea what was gonna happen next.

But something ruined it, I heard my phone ring which made me roll my eyes, I took it out of my pockets and read read that i was from Winter.

"y/n, there going to release the photos early, get her quick"

Damn it.

how is everyone today, this chapter is still quite boring and i'm sorry about that. I posted quiet early today because i'm not at home for a few weeks so yah.
anyways have a wonderful day

best friend | sungchanWhere stories live. Discover now