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He slowly opened his eyes slowly as they fluttered. I stayed silent as I was scared of what his reaction would be. "oh y/n? you're back, i thought you were studying?"

I stayed silent. If i'm being honest, I really didn't wanna hangout with him at this current moment. I wanted him to give me some space and leave me alone. It felt like he only wanted to hangout when I didn't feel like hanging out.

"i went to the convenience store to get a drink" i lied, as his only response was to stare at me, I tried to avoid eye contact as I sat down on my study chair.

He sighed, then laughed, "don't lie to me, I asked Wonyoung where you were and she told me, you've been out since 6, this afternoon?" he said he said staring at me, as the only thing I could do was smile and nod my head.

"oh and who's hoodie is that?" he pointed at my oversized brown velvet hoodie.

can't this guy just stop with the questions-

"oh, i got this a few days ago when you hung out with Eunji", I lied again only from him to roll his eyes at me, "y/n, last time I checked, you only ever buy pastel hoodies, blue, pink, purple, green pastel hoodies"

I sighed as I looked around the floor of my bedroom floor see all the pastel hoodies that were scattered on the ground along with some t shirts. "y/n, why are you lying to me?"

I stayed silent, honestly I don't know the real reason why I was lying to him, I have the feeling that he's going to get mad at me for lying at him.

Why am I lying, you ask?

Well i guess, because first, I told him i'm studying because I didn't feel like hanging out with him and to my luck he comes over and i'm not there because I was with Sunghoon. Now? he finds out I lied about going to the convenience store and buying a new hoodie.

I sighed loudly, I had no idea what to say,  I didn't want the awkward tension to get any more awkward.

"fine, i went to Sunghoon's place", i pointed at my hoodie and grabbed it with two of my fingers "this is Sunghoon's hoodie, he gave it to me"

That's all I had to say, I didn't tell him the real reason why I lied to him, i'm not going to tell him I overheard his conversation with Eunji.

He laughed out loud, revealing his adorable laugh, his laugh was one of the main things that made you fall for him. He's had that laugh since he was 5 and nothing has changed at all, it gets cuter and cuter each year.

"why didn't you tell me, it's nothing personal y/n, you didn't have to lie me, i'm like your brother you should tell me everything" he said pinching my cheeks.

"I can't believe we're not single anymore".

That line, he repeats it over and over again it annoys me, it annoys me way too much. It keeps coming back to me, It always does. He's always making it clear that we're not together, It hurts on the inside, it hurts my heart, it ached my heart.

"are you actually dating her? I actually called her your girlfriend as a joke", I quickly and quietly said, but loud enough for him to hear me.

I didn't really wanna see his reaction knowing exactly what his response would be. His answer would be a yes.

I looked over to his figure, laying on my bed peacefully, with a t-shirt and sweatpants, his dark brown hair covering his brows.

Sungchan nodded at me, as I gave him a smile, a bright, warm, smile. "well, why don't you tell me how you guys started to date?"

"well, it started off this morning, when you and I parted ways, I went to hangout with Eunji for a while. As I brought her outside as we sat on the bench under the trees as leaves fell around us. We sat beside eachother for a while, my hands were around her shoulder as she talked about her life. She talked about her life as a trainee, how she feels like she will never debut. We talked and talked as we sat there comfortably in our embrace. I put my fingers on her chin as I turned her head towards me. I then pressed my lips onto her, as we kissed. Now, we're dating"

I nodded as he continued to tells me the story, but something sounds similar, his story sounded familiar, very, very familiar.

I continued to nod along with his story until it finally hit me. It hit me hard, it made my heart ache.

It felt like someone was punching and destroying my heart into a trillion pieces, this sounds exactly like what happened on Sunday, the night Sungchan almost kissed me.

hey guys, so i've been feeling very motivated to write, so here's another chapter.

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