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"Come on, you can obviously kick a ball" Sungchan yelled at me after running through the field.

I followed behind him and tried to kick the ball but only for me to feel the ground.

"ouch...." i cried out a little

Sungchan laughed out loud and rushed over to me.

"cmon, you can't possibly be that bad at soccer"

I rolled my eyes and stood up, i ran over to Sungchan and jumped on his back.

"well i might now be able to play soccer but i sure know how to wrestle"

We fell down the ground and both laughed hysterically.

That was 5 months ago, Sungchan and I were the closest we have ever been. We were running around together playing soccer after sungchan spent the last hour convincing me to play soccer.


I snapped back to reality and saw Karina talking to me, "oh, what's up?"

She pointed to the direction of Sungchan who was talking to Eunji.

"what the hell"

What could Sungchan possibly be doing talking to Eunji, there are millions of things to talk about but there is nothing Sungchan has to say to Eunji.

"walk past them and try to listen to what their saying", I rolled my eyes taking my eyes off the pair and towards Karina.

I watched get off the couch and walk past the pair, not too close but not too far.

"Cmon, you don't have a single day?, just one day please"

Karina walked back to me, after getting to the couch she sat beside me on the couch and scoffed, "she's just trying to get with him don't worry"

I was relieved, i surely didn't want them to hangout together no matter what happens, she's made my life pretty much a living hell, she could leave sungchan alone at least?

"y/n, it's starting to bother me, go solve your problems with him" I glanced over to her confused, "what?"

"y/n/n, you randomly stare at the guy, like that's creepy, you randomly blank out thinking abt the guy" she spoke, i guess she's right. Though, i can't possibly think of any reason to even come up to him right now.

I grabbed a soda from the top shelf of the freezer in the building and walked over to sit down on the couch again.

Until Sungchan sat beside me, I was confused on why he was suddenly sitting beside me but I stayed calm.


I smiled at him but he only smiled at me, "have you figured it out yet?"

Damn it, I forgot everything about that, I was going to spend the whole night figuring it out but i ended up falling asleep.

"just tell me the reason, so i know if i'm right or wrong" i stated waiting for his response.

"well, why'd you change your wallpaper?"

I turned my head quickly to look at him, what? my wallpaper. I stayed silent until it hit me, my wallpaper.

"you've been mad at my wallpaper?"

I stared at him honestly shocked that all these days he's been mad at my phone? how immature do you have to be to get mad over someone's wallpaper?

"my goodness Sungchan, all these days i seriously thought I did something bad, but it's just cause I chnaged my wallpaper. If you really wanted me to change my wallpaper back to the photo of us on that ski trip, tell me"

I scoffed at him obviously annoyed.

"y/n, that photo's important to us?"
"you haven't changed it in years, even after changing your phone"

I rolled my eyes at him, at this point, Sungchan sounded stupid. I was the mad one now, I seriously though I did something bad, I really did.

Though it was only because I changed my wallpaper. I did say i wanted our old friendship back but now sungchan will be the one who's going to fix it.

"if that wallpaper is really that important to us, why don't you have it as your wallpaper?"

hi, sorry for the short chapters, my brain has been kinda dry.... give me suggestions for future chapters pls!! thanks everyone, love you <3

a/n update
hi guys! i'm not going to update in a few days just because i kinda have writers block....... i'm sorry!!! but i'll be back very soon. I celebrated my birthday yesterday!!

a/n (05.12.20)
hello friends, can you pls give me some ideas for future chapters bc i seriously have no idea how to make future chapters better, so pls give me some ideas, thanks luvssss

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