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We sat opposite eachother on the wooden floor, I was leaning on the wall as he was across from me.

"what do you need to talk abt?", I stared at him in boredom, I had a bored face, if i'm being honest I really didn't wanna be here, im still mad at him, he's hurt me enough, and i'm not sure what will come out of his mouth.

"i'm sorry y/n, I can't go another day without talking to you", I was silent and only nodding. "i'm really sorry, I should've never said all the things I said on the phone, i'm so sorry"

I smiled at him because he's owning up to his words and mistakes. "why'd you say those words?" I quietly said, his face was looking down to the ground and looking up to you.

"Eunji, I just loved her, and she was right next to me when we called" He awkwardly stared at me, "Sungchan, I don't know what to say except, you do know I never slapped Eunji"

He sighs, nodding his head, "yeah i know", He paused for a second leaving his mouth opened, "she was there with me, I didn't know what to say, it felt like I was making her feel bad"

I stayed silent, "well, you didn't make her feel bad, but you made me feel bad" I said standing up and grabbing my bad.

"no, wait"

He stood up and grabbed my shoulder, "y/n/n, I wasn't trying too, y/n. Everytime I tried to talk to you, you would walk away"

"It's because i'm mad at you, I hate how you treat me so badly sometimes, I want the relationship we had before you met Eunji" I yelled at him.

"I hate her, I hate how much time you would spend defending her and talking about her"

"I hate Eunji, I hate her"

"You considered ruining our friendship for Eunji Sungchan"

Tears stared to dream down my face as I yelled at him, it felt like Eunji was chopping up my heart, she was cutting it into small little pieces.

I looked at Sungchan, he was speechless.

He moved closer to me and held me in his arms. I haven't felt his grip in a while. It felt so good to be hugging him. I cried into his chest making his sweater wet.

"I'm so sorry y/n, i really really am"

I nodded my head, "I forgive you Channie"

I cried into his chest letting out the emotions i've kept in for weeks now. "i'm sorry for causing the breakup" I looked up to him

He chuckled, "i'm glad to be out of that relationship"

I laughed as I got out of his grip, "let's get home, it's late" I suggested walking to the door, "let's go to my house for tonight.

I nodded my head as we walked out of the practice room.

I sat on his bed laughing along with him. It felt so good to be able to have this relationship again. We were laughing and having fun. I felt like he was my best friend and not my crush.

"oh my god, I forgot about you and Sunghoon, how's that going"

I blush at the thought of last night

"oh my god, so basically Sunghoon and I kissed"

I said excitedly jumping on him

"we sat on the couch together, and he kissed me"

"oh really, that's so sweet" He excitedly replied to you, "now I don't have anyone to do that with" he said pouting.

I laughed at that not knowing what to say, But for Sungchan? his heart broke, His heart hurt a lot.

Behind the smile he put on his face, he was sad that I found someone. The truth is he liked me, but he doesn't know that yet. It was an emotion he couldn't identify yet.

It confused him why he felt sad when I told him I kissed Sunghoon, He thought he was supposed to be supportive, but it hurt him a lot more than anything.

Before dating Eunji, he has felt a little something for you, but Eunji changed everything.

"his lips were so nice, they were plump" I continued to ramble, "are you guys dating?" sungchan suddenly stuttered.

"well not yet, but i hope we could soon, because i really do like him", I yawned and laid my back against his bed frames.

I looked at him for a second, he looked rather disappointed at what I said, but i wasn't gonna comment in it. It could be because he was sad about Eunji right?

"i'm going to bed now, I have to get up early"

hi, soooo. This is shirt chapter buttt it's fineeee righttt. Anyways any recommendations?

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