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It was a windy Wednesday, walked down the sidewalk with your best friend Sungchan beside you. You wore a pastel pink hoodie with sweatpants and a black mask to cover yourself up from the media, Sungchan wore a black sweatshirt, sweatpants and a black mask.

As you arrived at the SM Building, you said your goodbye and walked to the practice room. It was exhausting, practicing everyday to debut in the upcoming girl group. Recently Sungchan debuted in NCT, you were really happy for him, but you with that, you guys spent less time together.

After practice, you sat on the couch with Sungchan next to you, "do you wanna hangout later?", turning your body towards him. "sure, i'll come over" he replied smiling. You melted, but obviously not showing that you did, you always had this feeling for him. You've known eachother since you were 5 and this feeling decided to show up at 16.

You don't wanna admit that you have these feelings, it's quiet weird, having some kind of feelings for your best friend? You ignored that. you talked to sungchan for a while until you went back to practice.

When you were 15, you told Sungchan you wanted to be an idol, you guys auditioned together at multiple different agencies. It was destiny that you guys got accepted to SM Entertainment together. Of course you decided to become a trainee together.

Your trainer discharged you earlier today leaving you with lots of free time. you walked back to the dorms as you greeted your fellow trainees and walked into your room. Luckily stayed with 5 other trainees who you loved and were close too, you all had your own private rooms which was meant privacy.

You opened the door to your nicely decorated room, your small/medium bed was against the wall next to a window. You laid on your bed, as the door slowly opened you saw your Sungchan. smiling widely as you saw him walk to you, it was normal for him to come over so everyone was used to seeing him.

He sat on your bed beside you. without acknowledge his presence. There were pokes on your back as you looked over, "i'm bored, what do you wanna do?", he asks "i don't know".

Before you know it you have someone wrestling you, ever since you guys were kids, you guys would play fight and it would be a really fun thing. He's way taller than you making the tension stronger.

Pushing him down, and getting on top of him signaling you won the fight. Sweat dripping from both of your foreheads as you laughed. "i won" you yelled as you got off him, he scoffs as you laugh. You stated at him for a while, his features were gorgeous, his eyes, lips, hair, his tall figure, everything was amazing.

"what? do i have something on my face?", the light tint of red covered your cheeks as you shake your head and look away. No matter how much you like him, you're never going to tell him, it's awkward to like your best friend.

The day went on, music playing in the background as the both of you guys were doing your own thing, one watching netflix as the other lightly snores. You turned your back as you saw him sleeping. Small snores coming from him.

Observing his features and smiling to yourself. He gorgeous, really is, but you looked away, you're gonna contain yourself. Laying back down into the warm covers, cuddling up next to your pillow you slowly dozed off.

Sungchan woke up with some leaning against his shoulder, he turned his head to the right and saw your head against his shoulder. He smiled, hugging you up close.

best friend | sungchanWhere stories live. Discover now