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I walked away from Sungchan in silence, I was the one who was really mad now.

Just the fact that Sungchan was so immature to get mad at me over that just annoyed every little part of me which just angers me so much.

I walked out of the building and walked over to the bench outside as the rain slowly fell on me, I guess i'll be waiting for Sungchan apology.

I sat in silence for a while listening to my surroundings while I stared at the ground kicking the little rock's.

I bring myself up and walked back inside the building so I could record our first single, i'm quite excited to finally record and debut, but my feelings are just annoying right now.

I sang along while reading the sheet of paper.

"great, i love your voice y/n, it's perfect for this concept, you're going to be a great singer"

I smiled and thanked the producers who were complimenting my voice.

I walked out of the room and accident bumped into sungchan. We tensed up a little bit because some thoughts were rushing through my mind.

Was he here to come see me?

"uhm, what are you doing here?" I questioned him and looked up, "uh, i'm actually going to practice my vocals" he nodded and smiled at me.

I nodded my head and waited for my apology but he walked away.


I shouted loud enough for him to hear me but he just ignored my comment and walked away.

"h-have a g-great day" I stuttered out to Sungchan who was almost out of sight.

"you too y/n/n" He said smiling to me, waved and turned and continued to walk away.

I blushed out of the blue because his smiled would always make me blush.

The same feeling of having a crush on someone came back to me when I finally saw his smile. I kissed him, i seriously did, I missed when we would always have sleepovers.

I walked down to the SM cafe and ordered a drink, I blended in well with the crowd, but that won't be me any time soon.

Soon, i'm going to debut in a girl group and i'm going to recognized as a Kpop Idol.

I sat on one of the tables that were seated right by the window.

I sat peacefully and sipped on my drink, until i felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

"y/n, let's meet up tonight?"
- Sunghoonie <3

I smiled to myself and sent him an of course. the only thing i could think about today was how much i wanted to rant to Sunghoon about my day.

I really wanted to tell him specifically about my excitement and happiness for my debut.

I put my coat on and quickly walked out of the doors to go and meet up with Sunghoon.

I was so excited to meet up with him, like way more excited than usual, I felt like i was going to fly to the moon due to excitement.

Tonight we we're meeting up at a small park by the river, we specifically met during the night just to cover up his identity from dispatch.

I arrived at the park a while after walking and saw Sunghoon sitting on one of the benches by a tree.

I sat beside him and greeted him brightly, "hi, y/n, how are you?" he asked happily and i replied to him with a "good"

I ranted to him about how excited I was about my debut and how i'm just so happy to finally become an idol and accomplish my dreams.

"i'm so excited to finally become an idol, that's been my dreams with sungchan since we were 5 years old, i've trained for 5 years now, and now i'm going to debut and have fans, and everything"

He smiled and played with my hair while I explained everything to him.

"sungchan seriously got mad at me for that? like i miss him, i seriously do, i don't even know if he would get mad at me over that it's seriously so annoying, but i miss him so much"

I continued to talk until Sunghoon cut me off, he looked at me in the eyes and i knew something bad is going to happen.

"y/n, i'm so so so sorry, i love you i really really do love you, but i think we should end it here. This is not because i've lots feelings, definitely not, it's because my managers said that if we continue to date, then it's going to ruin OUR reputation if even one fan finds out. Considering that sasaengs exist its really hard. I'm so so sorry, but we can still
be friends right?"

hi hi, i'm so sorry i've been VERY VERY in active,
i have writers block 😭😭😭😭, but i love y'all thanks for reading

happy sunghoon days luvs

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