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Days went on and I haven't talked to Sungchan at all. No words, just quick glances. If i'm being honest, it did hurt, 13 years of friendship can't just go down the drain because Eunji.

Today's the 4th day that I haven't spoken to Sungchan.

I woke up as I dragged myself out of bed, unmotivated to start the day. Although I haven't been spending any time with Sungchan, i've spent my days with Sunghoon, we went out together, eat together, practice together, we did everything together.

I walked into the SM building looking around, trying to avoid Sungchan. There he was, sitting with Eunji, I roll my eyes as he takes a quick glance at me. I looked into his eyes as I quickly walked away.

It pained me that he would end out friendship for her, I'm stubborn tho, i'm not going to up to him and apologize for what happened. He could do that on his own.

I peaked through the window at the door as I stared at Sungchan and Eunji, His laugh was so pure and happy, but something looked a bit off about him.

He didn't seem to have the same smile he had when I was around him, I felt someone tap my back, it was Minju, "y/n, let's go, you look creepy", She pulled me away from the door.

Sungchan was happy with his relationship with Eunji, but inside him he feels somewhat guilty. He felt guilty for what he said, but he stayed silent about everything.

I walked out of the practice room to go and eat lunch, I stared at my phone as I received heart-warming messages from Sunghoon.

I harshly bumped into someone as I looked up, Sungchan stared at me with a straight face, the sight of him close to me made me want to cry, but I brushed past him.

He sighed loudly, "y/n?". I heard him say my name but I ignored his call because tears has already started dripped down my cheeks.

I walked out of the building to a garden and got fresh air, the tears that were once wet turned into stains on my cheeks. 

"y/nnnn? what if you stay over tonight???"

I looked down to my phone to see a message from Sunghoon, I blush as I replied a quick yes to him.

If i'm being honest my feelings for Sungchan hasn't been the same, i've lost my feelings. All off my feelings and attention has gone to Sunghoon.

i guess Eunji has gotten what she wants after all. I won't talk to Sungchan anymore, I don't like him as much as I used too.

I sat there smiling to myself happily, 4 days has been tough, but it has also been great. I got closer to Sunghoon, and if i'm honest I could consider Jake one of my best friends.

I walked back inside the building and saw Sungchan all cuddly with Eunji. He looked at me and slowly got stood up and walked over to me. I stared at him as I tried to walk away but he pulled me.

"what do you want?", I pushed his hands off me, I sigh waiting for him response, "let's talk, don't you think the things you said are a little harsh" he said with a sad tone and a little pout.

I stayed silent looking at him in the eye, "i said those words for a reason, you believe that I would slap someone Sungchan, you know I wouldn't" I looked away from him in anger.

"please, y/n/n, we can't just end our friendship over that argument", I looked back at him in shock,

"I never wanted our friendship to turn out like this, but when you defended your girlfriend over your best friend, a girl you've known for about 1 month, that was the last straw for me. Until you both apologize then we can go back to normal turns."

I yelled at him, I let out my anger through my words. I was angry, sad, disappointed, so many emotional words could describe how I felt at the moment.

Something that shocked me the most was the fact that Sungchan didn't say anything, I could tell he was in shock, his face was full of shock as my words came out of my mouth.

I walked past him, harshly making sure that i bumped his shoulder. "y/n" he sighed.

I walked over to Eunji who was watching everything happen, "this is your fault, you fix it. I would slap you but i have class, unlike you. I wonder why they never chose you for the debut line-up"

I walked out of the door with full confidence, surprisingly i didnt shed a single tear. I'm proud of the fact that I stood up for myself. I looked back to see Sungchan standing there talking to Eunji.

Whatever, it's their problem now, if Sungchan really wanted to fix it he would do it soon. I was looking forward to tonight tho, i'm spending the night with Sunghoon and Jake.

They made me feel so happy, I just hope that sungchan could fix everything soon.

Hi guys, sorry for being inactive, so on tuesday, i went back home cause i got stuck somewhere because of corona. I've been busy cause i felt for about 8 months but since we've settled in again, i'll surely write more. Thanks for reading luvs

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