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"y/n, come here quick" I heard someone call me as I turn my head around to see Giselle calling my name.

Everyone was still sitting around their tables eating while Gesille and I were in the bathroom fixing up our makeup.

"y/n, guess what?" Giselle squeals while I raise my brow, "I over heard Sungchan, Shotaro and Chenle talking about you"

My eyes widened and felt my heart skip a beat, "what did you hear?" I whisper-yelled at her feeling tense, the girl laughs at me and starts to turn red, "it's not bad y/n, they were talking about Sungchan asking you out"

My face grew red as I let out a a laugh that sounded rather nervous than excited. "when did you bear that?"

"Like, just now when I went to get a drink" she laughs with her eyebrows raised up high, "well, i'm guessing he'll ask you tonight am I right?"

I shook my head in disapproval, "no, no way. there's no way," I looked in the mirror and dw the huge blush cover my soft cheeks.

The realization that my crush of I don't know how many years is going to ask me out and i'm more than ready for all of this to happen.

"better be ready for it y/n, it's getting closer and closer"

I watched as Giselle left the bathroom and I followed right behind her so we could walk back to the party.

Right when I entered the room I felt two pairs of eyes on me and that's when I saw Sungchan staring at me.

His eyes linked with mine as the both of us quickly looked away to avoid eye contact.

"don't look y/n, don't look now"

I wanted to look at him so badly but I knew i'd do something embarrassing and that would haunt me for the next 45 years.

"hey y/n, come here"

I looked over to my right and saw Chenle calling my name and gesturing his palm to signal a 'come here'

I slowly walked over to the boy who was shoving different cakes into his mouth and chugging different drinks down his throat.

"y/n, guess what, i bet $7560 Sungchan will ask you to be his girlfriend," Chenle says in between chewing down some type of cake, "no way" I say laughing at him as he passes me a cake as well.

"thats all he ever talks about y/n, seriously, i've known you for 4 years now and we're close so I can tell the two of you like each other"

I blush lightly and looked towards the table Sungchan was sitting at, he sat there peacefully laughing and talking to his group mates.

"oh, also, do you know where the trainee Eunji is now?" I ask Chenle, "oh, she left SM a few weeks ago I think, i'm not sure, but she has left"

I felt a weight get lifted of my shoulders as Chenle finished his sentence. Eunji has always been someone who has hated me because of Sungchan.

She's hated me because she couldn't get what I have achieved, she couldn't debut as an Idol and I was blamed for taking her position.

She dated Sungchan but proceeded to blame me because of their breakup which was partly my fault but their relationship was really toxic.

Eunji made a few weeks of my trainee days living hell as she would do anything she could to ruin it, but now I am debuting as a Kpop idol and she left SM.

Truly hope all the best for her though. Eunji and I used to actually be good friends because the two of us used to sit next to eachother during monthly evaluation but eventually because of one guy everything has changed.

"you're finally debuting huh?," I looked up and saw Chenle with a smile on his face, "yeah, 5 long years of training's finally paying off" I chuckle

Back in 2015 Sungchan and I decided that we were going to become trainees, work hard and then debut. If i'm being honest, I thought this day would never come.

Becoming a trainee's hard, your life changes a lot more than you would expect, you spend most of time in the studio improving your skills, you barely ever get to do anything and if you did, it would be homework or school.

Getting scolded everyday for your skills and having to change yourself up for the standards is a really hard thing to do.

But here I am today, at my girl groups debut party and I can surely tell you, this is the best feeling ever and it is the most exciting feeling anyone could ever feel.

All the hard work is finally paying off and i'm finally going to show everyone my talents and everything i've got.

"i'm proud of you y/n," Chenle smiles and quickly gives me a side hug.

I then turned to my right and saw Sungchan walking over to me.

"y/n, can I talk to you? please?"

hi everyone! i'm so so so so so so so so sorry i haven't posted in much a long time, school has started and i've had no time to write because of all the homework i've got since it's a new year and i'm in a new grade so yeah! i was also sick so i'm rlly sorry.
hope you liked this chapter though ❤️

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