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Sungchan and I walked out of the room full of people and walked to the empty hall leaving the two of us alone. "what's up Sungchan?" I asked innocently with a frown on my face.

Sungchan leaned against the wall and a light blush appeared on his cheeks, "y/n?" he slowly says while he try's to avoid eye contact with me, I looked at him let out a "hm?"

"i've been wanting to tell you this for a while but I didn't know how to approach the topic"

He paused for a second and looked right into my eyes while I felt a blush creep onto my face. I could hear and feel my heart beat faster than usual and it felt like the butterflies in my stomach were going to fly out of my mouth any moment now.

"was he going to ask me out?" i thought to myself feeling joy come into me all of the sudden.

"I've always liked you"

My eyes grew wide and they shot towards him who was now staring at the ground due to embarrassment.

"i've always liked you since day 1, but i never tried to make a move on you because-"

I felt tears start to flood my eyes as I started at him with happiness and excitement.

"because it's weird to like your best friend right?"

"you're just different y/n, and i've never tried to make a move on you because if everything back fired, our friendship would be ruined"

I got closer to Sungchan.

"Eunji was the only girl I have actually liked and that's the only reason why I dated her, but she want like you y/n."

"you're just different. I don't know anybody that has the same humor you have, the same unique personality you have, the sweet smile you have, your great dancing, singing and visuals you have"

"I've liked you all along"

"When you dated Sunghoon, I was only jealous and that's the reason why I pushed you away from me, It hurt me that I pushed you away but I was jealous that you found someone better than me"

"I admit that I was childish and immature for doing that and i'm really sorry, but jealously took over"

"I never thought i'd be here confessing my feelings for you because if i'm being honest, you never showed and sort of feelings for me other than loving me as a brother and that did hurt a lot"

I frowned in confusion, "i never showed any sort of feeling other than loving you as a brother?", "what?" I thought to myself, i've always thought that I was being too obvious when I was around him.

I've always been so clingy and i've always tried to flirt with him but he didn't see it as my way of tryna get with him? A smile grew on my face and I continued to listen to him.

"Sometimes, I did suspect that you liked me but I would always push those thoughts away because i've also thought about how it would interfere with our life as a trainee and stuff"

"After dating Eunji though, I knew that it could work out and my feelings for you grew bigger and bigger over time, and here we are now"

"I decided to confess today because today is the day your debuting and I know today is the day you're going to be happiest and I wanted to make you happier"

"You're finally debuting as an idol after working so hard, i've watched you over the years and I don't know trainee that has trained as hard as you"

"Training every day till late at night and still a managing school work and sleep? that's real talent and you deserve all the things you're getting now

"I'm also really excited that we're debuting around the same time because this is what the two of us have been working so hard for"

"Look, y/n, you don't have to make the decision now, but if despite all of this. I truly hope that this doesn't ruin our friendship"

Before he could do anything else tho, I got on my tippy toes and cupped his face as I pressed my lips onto his.

This is what i've been waiting for, I finally kissed the guy i've loved for years now. Sungchan had feelings for me which meant that we can actually be an official couple now.

I pulled away and took a few steps back away from him. "I've liked you for years Sungchan, you're just so stupid to notice it" I chucked and awkwardly blushed.

"what do you say?" he says while smirking, "would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I took both his hands and held them tighlty.

"Sungchan. I'd love to be your girlfriend" I took a few steps forward and tightly hugged him while I shed one or two tears of happiness.

"I love you so much y/n"
"I love you too Sungchan"

best friend | sungchanWhere stories live. Discover now