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I yawn as I tried to memorize the lyrics to the song. I threw the paper by my side grabbing my cellphone, "y/n, let's hangout after practice, i have something for you"

I giggle at Sunghoon's message, "of course". "y/n, from the start" our instructor said, I stood up taking our position.

"y/n! dance properly" I heard someone shout, "left foot, not your right" My dance trainer yelled, "do it i front of everyone now"

I looked down in embarrassment and stood in front of the room, The music started and I made sure to make the dance look nice and elegant.

I started to dance until the music stop.

I moved my arms around and my body followed along with the music. The music stopped along with me, it was silent.

Everyone was looking at me as I stood there looking at everyone stare at me. Did i do something wrong?

I looked around the room and saw Eunji laughing, "y/n, you're a really great dancer. This has been the best you've danced"

I felt relieved, I smiled due to pride from the compliment. Just when I thought my day was gonna go downhill it brought me joy.

I knew today was going to be a great day, as I sat back I saw Eunji rolling her eyes, she really has no class, I mean. She rolls her eyes at me, she hates me for what sort of reason? I made sure to look over at her and give her a glare.

Yes, Sungchan and I are now back to being best friends, but along with that there is Eunji who has a grudge against me.

Today was our monthly evaluation for dance, vocal and rap. This is when all the trainees come together and we get evaluated.

I walked into the room for our vocal evaluation, only to be greeted by Eunji. I tried to walk across the room away from her because I want to avoid talking to her.

She pulled my shoulder harshly, "i hate you, i really do. you're the reason why Sungchan broke up with me" I turned around facing her but I stayed silent

"Don't you know you're the worst person on this planet. All you do is ruin my life"

"please, i'm not ruining your life" I said with annoyance, I was about to continue until she cut me off.

"First taking my position as an Idol and now my boyfriend" She yelled at me loudly as her sentence echoed across the room, "what the hell is wrong with you"

Her words hurt me, well. it didn't really hurt me, it rather annoyed me. Firstly, I really don't think she had the right to talk to me like that and also, is she out of her mind I never took her position.

"me? first of all if you had a brain, you would know Sungchan is my best friend? and for god's sake i'm not taking your position, this has been my position since the day I got expect to this company" I yell pushing her hands off my shoulders.

She stayed silent, I took that as a signal that our conversation or should I say argument has ended.

I walked away from her until she pulled me back, "what the hell do you want from me Kim Eunji, please leave me alone, deal with the fact that Sungchan is not yours and i'm debuting"

She slapped my face harshly and pushed me to the ground, I whined in pain feeling hurt from falling down.

"Y/N?, Eunji?"

I looked away from Eunji and to the door, it was Sungchan and Minju. Minju ran to me as she crouched down next to me, "are you okay?"

"Eunji? are you out of your mind? you just slapped someone and pushed someone down" Sungchan yelled from the door

"Why are you so mad at y/n? you should be mad at yourself, you blamed her for hurting you and you do exactly what you said she did to you"

"You know why you're not debuting?"
I looked over to Sungchan nervous because of what was going to come out of his mouth, Minju held my hand tightly as Eunji stood there staring at Sungchan.

"You're not debuting because if i'm being honest you don't deserve to debut with the attitude you have, you're arrogant and rude. You're just a pretty face. You're not debuting because you're not as good as the others. You can't dance, sing and rap as well as the others. Stop blaming y/n, because she never asked for your annoying self to blame everything on her"

The room was speechless and everyone stared at Sungchan in silence. I was shocked on what he said, he went harsh on her. Eunji started to cry as she ran up to Sungchan and tried to hug him only for him to move away.

I stood up slowly watching the scene. Eunji's tears streamed down her face as she tried to get close to Sungchan.

I resl didnt know what she was trying to get out of that because all she would get out of that was tears and pain.

"Wait until Lee SooMan finds out what you did" Sungchan said walking over to Minju and I.

"you're not that mean, you wouldn't do that, I know you wouldn't" she panicked staring at us with anger taking over her.

If i'm being honest myself, I wouldn't really tell Lee Sooman, I mean she deserves to debut. She didn't spend years of training for nothing right?

Eunji walked away in anger, I hugged Sungchan, "thank you so much, I really appreciate that", "I hope you know I love you so much"

I pulled Minju into our hug

"i love you guys with all my heart"

I walked out the door with Sungchan beside me,
"are you busy today?" Sungchan looked over to me and gave me a smile, Sungchan had an excited face on.

Inside he really wanted to hangout, the feeling he has months ago is starting to show itself.

The feeling is something that made him have butterflies. The feeling made him blush when we talked. The feeling made him wanna hug and kiss me.

"actually, yeah, i'm going to hangout with Sunghoon sorry"

hellooooo, soooo how is everyone. Since I have some readers who read all the chapters, please feel free to talk to me and be my friend if anyone wants to be! Also should I talk about myself and some facts about myself. Anyways have a great day!!

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