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I stared at them together for a second, "what are you guys doing together" I turned towards Sungchan and raised my brow is shock, "we're just hanging out y/n, is that a problem for you?" Sungchan murmured which made Eunji smirk

"no, no, go enjoy yourselves" I sarcastically said to them and the suddenly felling Eunji's fingers on my jaw, "y/n, is that a hickey" Eunji pointed out which made Sungchan turn his head straight towards my jaw.

"it's a rash actually, i ate something i'm allergic too" I eyed Sungchan as his eyes widened looking at me, "no way, it must be a bad rash" Eunji said sounding sorry and the  looked away, "gonna go now"

Right before walking away I quickly got on my tippy toes and whispered "not a problem for me sungchan, it would be a problem for you though if i hangout with Sunghoon" into his ears.

I saw Sungchan roll his eyes as I winked and walked way from the pair

I walked towards the exit until I felt someone stop me, "are those the hickies i gave you or did someone else give em to you" Sungchan whispered in my ears which made me shiver a bit.

"why are you suddenly talking to me?" I asked him taking a step back, "just answer me okay"

I roll my eyes and stared at him, "they're rashes", Sungchan smirked at me, "i know they're not, i gave them too you" he proudly said as he leaned onto the wall beside him.

Sungchan looked hot doing that and all I wanted to do was give in and kiss him, "then why are you asking?"

I raise my brow, "what if you didn't give me all of these?" I grinned at him as I moved to lean against the wall right beside him.

"well? who would give you them if it weren't me?" Sungchan whispered as he turned his head towards me, "sunghoon?"

Sungchan rolled his eyes at me, "i don't believe you?"

I shrugged my shoulders and walked away from him giving him one last look, while smirking at him I exited the place and I made my way to a small cafe to eat a small snack.

I ordered myself a drink along with a little snack to fill myself up before I have to train my vocals again for the second time today.

Arriving back at the building, I ate my lunch with Ningning as the others were either practicing their dance, rap or vocals.

"look over there" Ningning pointed at two figures sitting on a couch together, My head turned straight towards where Ningning's fingers pointed.

Sungchan and Eunji?

"whatever, if he's gonna be like this then i will let him, he'll come back crawling to me" I sipped on my drink and stared at the two talking.

I sat alone in the practice room going over the video I just recorded of myself singing the high note for the bridge in Black Mamba.

"damn it, it's not there yet" I sigh as I stood up to try the dance and sing the high note for the fourth time today.

The door slowly opened and turned my head to see  Eunji walking towards me. "what do you want?" I bluntly asked her with a straight face, "i just wanted to give you a heads up, so i came here"

I didn't respond and waited for her for to say her 'threat' "sungchan and I are gonna be together, dont think of even getting him" she stared clearly 
making me laugh loudly

"i don't care, we're best friends" I mockingly told her with a huge grin on my face. Even if she thinks that Sungchan will get with her, it would only be for fun.

I know Sungchan will crawling straight back to me whether or Eunji likes it or not.

Sitting in the ground watching the recording for the second time, I watched as Eunji made her long journey out of the room.


After recording for another 3 times I gathered my belongings and went home. 

The walk home was alright, it was cold yet relaxing, most of the places around were covered with snow as it has snowed for most of the day.

Arriving back at the dorms, I walked straight to the bathroom to take a quick shower, while i was showering, i remember having my phone on airplane mode the whole day.

I quickly got out of the shower and got dressed into a pair of t-shirt and shorts. Right before getting out of the bathroom I made sure to apply some cream into my face.

I walked over to my room and grabbed my phone straight out of my bag after laying down on the bed. Pressing onto the airplane mode button, my phone stared to buzz from all the notifications

y/n, don't believe anything Eunji tells you
From: Sungchan at 12.30

i'm coming over at 8 tonight :))
From: Sungchan at 16.18

hi, how is everyone. if i made another sungchan ff, what would you guys like the topic to be about? i don't mind any topic btw, i have a jake ff that's finished but I haven't posted it 😭
anyways have a good day!!

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