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Waking up and stretching as you felt Sungchan's arms around you. The light shade of red covered your face. Although you've been friends with Sungchan for years now, and yeah, you've hugged eachother while sleeping, which is called cuddling it never meant anything until now.

"Sungchan, let's go and eat dinner?" you called out to him, nodding to signal a response. Leaving the bed to go and change to an oversized shirt.

Walking out of the dorms, the smell of the freshly cut grass and the cold wind hit your face. "i'm cold" you called out, he looked over to you as he put his arms around you shoulders.

The same blush covers your face again, luckily you have a mask on to cover yourself up. "are you warmer now?", nodding slowly as you whispered a yep. Entering a small empty restaurant as you sat at the table beside the window.

After eating your meal, you walked home with Sungchan. "can you stay over? i'm kinda lonely" sungchan asked you. This was normal for the both of you, but you were flustered this time, agreeing you walked inside to get some clothes.

Sungchan still lives with his parents because he just debuted. it was 7:00 now, it got colder, way colder than before, earlier today you changed into a t-shirt which you regret doing now. walking down the sidewalk as the wind kept brushing past you, you got close to sungchan, "you're cold aren't you?", looking up to him, you nodded.

Arriving at his house, you greeted his mother. She smiled at you as she let you guys do your thing. Sungchan walked to his bedroom with you beside him. "i'm gonna shower" you excused yourself to Sung chan.

Grabbing a a blue shirt and some shorts you quickly put your clothes on as you walk out the bathroom, Sungchan was laying on his bed, you grabbed your face mask from your bad and threw it onto Sungchan, he glared at you, "that hurts".

"let's put facemaks on" you offered, "why not?" he responded. moving closer to him, you tied his hair up into a little ponytail, as you covered his face with the face mask. He looked really cute, his hair up in a pony tail and the face mask covering his face made him look really cute, "i'll put it on for you", sungchan took the brush out of your hand and started to cover your face with the face mask.

After he finished putting it on you, there was silence for a while until you broke it, "how does it really feel to finally debut?", he looked over to you "pretty good, lots of fans support Shotaro and i" you nodded, "how bout you? how's it been" it was silent as you shook your head

"i dont know, i haven't been doing that great actually. It seems like everyone is getting better treatment, and then i'm just there". He looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows, and hugged you, "what? why didn't you tell me earlier?" you stayed quiet.

"i- you were going to debut, i don't wanna bother you Sungchan", you looked around you and realised that you were now cuddling him, you weren't gonna escape his grip tho, it was comfortable.

"you know? whatever it is you can always tell me about it. i mean i've know you since i was 5 i'm sure you can tell me anything". You got closer to Sungchan as he cuddled you, all you wanted to do was kiss him, but you know that would ruin everything you guys had, because he probably doesn't even see you in any other way.

Time went by as you were in his embrace, you were scrolling through your phone as he was doing the same. "y/n?", you turned your head towards him, he put your finger on your chin as he leaned forward, you did the same. Your lips were centimeters apart.

"we should take out facemasks now" you slowly said as you stood, it was awkward, "come here i'll peel it off for you" he stood up and walked next to you. you started to peel the facemask off as you stared at him.

"why didn't i kiss him?"

best friend | sungchanWhere stories live. Discover now