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We sat there around the table waiting for the photos to receive comments, Karina, Giselle, Winter and Ningning waited feeling excited as they all squealed.

I on the other hand just sat there with no emotion, I wasn't excited to be here at all. I wanted to be at home with Sungchan.

"there are some who actually likes it and some don't" Karina said in defeat, her words caught my attention and made me look at the screen.

instagramer38394983: what is this 😬
kpopstan.jimin: WAIT THIS IS COOL
aespa.karina: karina is my bias here ae is so cool
chenlestoe: this is kinda weird, i love this girls tho

I sigh kind of expecting this exact reaction, the ae characters were kind of weird but at the end we all agreed to it.

"y/n? are you alright?" Ningning asked nudged me, "you've been daydreaming since you've got here?"

I sat up and cleared my throat, "my legs in pain" I lied to them which they all responded with 'aw's" and pouts.

We watched as more likes and comments started to load, they others were still fixed onto the computer screen.

I looked around the for a second and caught a glimpse of Sungchan who was laughing his life away with Chenle and Haechan in front of one of the practice rooms.

I watched the 3 of them through the small window opening at the door for a while admiring every single detail of his.

"y/n, we're gonna go practice now" Karina said patting my shoulders as they all left one by one. I was now the only one left in the practice room and I just wanted to get home.

Leaving the practice room I passed along the 3 guys, Casually I smiled at them while Chenle started to tease Sungchan, "y/n, sungchan wants to kiss you" Chenle and Haechan giggled while Sungchan tries to get them to shut up.

I rolled my eyes at them, "what if i wanted to kiss him too?" I said with a huge smirk on my face which cause the two to go extremely wild.

Haechan punching Sungchan while Chenle cheers and hoots at him, Sungchan was a hot mess tho, everyone including a fly could see the obvious blush on his face topped with a wide smile.

I roll my eyes and waved at them as I left the place, I wanted Sungchan to follow behind me so we could hangout but he sadly didn't.

Was all this flirting for fun? was he serious about this? Does he actually mean everything he's been saying.

I walked out in the cold as the snow fell slowly on the hood of my poofy beige jacket. "y/n!" "y/n! wait up" I heard someone say making me turn my head towards the direction of the sound.


"hi? what's up?" I asked him feeling slightly happier than before, "i don't know, i was passing by and then I saw you" Sunghoon answered with his classic smile, I nodded my head and awkwardly stood there for a while waiting for him to speak up.

"do you wanna hangout later today? i'm free?" Sunghoon said shrugging his shoulders, "uh, sure, you can come by at like 3:00" I agreed as he waved and walked away.

I have know if this was good idea or not, but what could go wrong? it's not like we were still dating, we're only friends now. Besides, I like Sungchan.

I finally arrived at the dorms which wasn't too far away from where I saw Sunghoon, entering
inside the small house my figure walked straight to my room.

The snow made the whole room feel as if the heater did not work a single bit making me get under the covers and noticed one specific thing.

best friend | sungchanWhere stories live. Discover now