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"3 week until you girls debut"

"Make sure your on your best"

"Remember to always show a smile even on your hardest days"

"Always show your best to the fans no matter what"

I stared blankly at the wall thinking about all sorts of things.

- Sunghoon
- Dancing
- T.V

"y/n, could you please repeat what I have just said"

I snapped back to reality and saw everyone staring at me, I hummed, "to always smile on my hardest days". "no, y/n, that was not what I said, focus if you want to debut"

I nodded my head, though I didn't continue to listen to him. My mind has been nervous, i felt noxious and sick.

"3 weeks left girls, tomorrow we're having a photo shoot, you will record the song, then we will record the music video"

I felt excited to debut, though along with that it will only mean i will spend less time with others.

Today, we we're going to take the photos for our debut. An elegant, princess, like concept.

(inspired by g-idle's yuqi lion dress's but with aespa's 1st concept)

I was putting my things into my bag with Sunghoon laying on my bed, "you'll do great, don't be too nervous"

I was a nervous wreck to say the least, it finally felt real that I am going to debut, it felt different, a feeling you've never felt.

A mixture of excitement, nausea, panic and more.

I grabbed one of Sunghoon's hoodie from the closet and put it over my t-shirt smiling brightly as  I walked over to the bed and sat next to him in his embrace.

Since the day we have officially dated, we have been inseparable. We spent most of our time together when we had free time.

Free time after practice? We'd meet up.

It's all good for me, but for Sungchan? He was desperately trying to get my attention. Asking to hangout, but i would sadly reject.

Day by day, I would spend less time with Sungchan. It rather annoyed him, he felt like I was avoiding him and that I didn't want to hangout with him.

let's go get boba?
Delivered 2 hours ago. - Sungchannie <3

let's have a sleepover?
- Sungchannie <3
I'm busy sorry Channie

"what are you doing i'm bored"
Delivered 4 hours ago

All the messages I received from him would either be rejected or small talk. I felt sorry that I was pushing him away, but I wasn't 100% doing that.

We still hangout during practice, but that's about it. We would eat lunch together sometimes but that's about it.

I'm not being toxic, it's just that's exactly what he did to me when he has dated Eunji.

"bye, don't be nervous, text me tonight" Sunghoon waved to me. I waved back brightly giving him a quick peck and watching him walk away.

I stood there wearing my red dress with gold decorations around it. I wore a beautiful golden crown on my head that fit perfectly with my long wavy brown hair.

The concept was a fairy world, the sky's pink, blue and purple. Flowers on the ground with mushroom like trees.

"y/n, sungchan is here for you" I heard one of the managers say.

I looked around the room and walked up to him. I saw Sungchan standing at the entrance.

I walked over to him holding my dress up like a real life princess.

All he could think about how pretty I was, how I looked like a real life princess. A princess he saw in his dreams, a princess any prince would want.

"what are you doing here?", he stared at me until snapping out of his thoughts and shook his head, "i have nothing to do, might as well come see you"

I nodded my head smiled, "you're really pretty" he whispered silently but just loud enough for me to hear.

His silent words caught me off guard, and so did the butterflies in my stomach that flew happily around, "what?" I stared at him wanting his honestly.

"oh, nothing I just said the dress is really pretty", I hummed as a response to his words. It made me sad that he didn't tell the truth.

Yes, i'm dating Sunghoon but i've had feelings of this guy for about 2 years now, it doesn't just go away in a snap, his words still make me blush.

"how about we hangout tonight?" Sungchan suggested sitting on the table beside us. I nodded my head slowly not really sure wether I could or not.

Before I could say another word to the guy, I heard the Photographers call my name.

"Y/N, it's your turn"

I excused myself from Sungchan and walked away from him.

Sungchan observed from afar, he really was in love.
He loved everything about myself, my personality, face and even the smallest detail about me that only some people would notice.

It made him happy to see his best friend finally debut, after years and years of training, years of dancing, singing and rapping has finally payed off.

Sungchan heard a phone buzz beside him, glancing quickly to his right and seeing my phone.

It was normal for him to look through my phone as you both trust each other with all your heart.

He really wasn't trying to be nosy but he grabbed your phone, if you caught him on your phone his excuse would be that he's taking cute photos!

He tapped the screen of my phone but he felt like the whole world went silent, he felt like someone plugged his ears and was cutting up his heart.

A few days ago, Sunghoon and I took some photos at the bridge. We stood beside each other, his arms around my shoulders and mine around his waist.

Sungchan stared at the screen for minutes, he felt like his heart was being punched and cut up into pieces.

He put your phone down walking out of the room, all he could feel was anger, he was angry that I changed a photo of us on a ski trip together. Angry that after dating someone for a week I decided to change the photo I haven't changed in years.

hi friends! thanks for reading. i was going to post yesterday but i've been busy!!!!! buttttt, please give me improvement!

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