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After Practice, I stayed at the building for a while longer. I stayed practicing the new choreography we have learnt today.

The choreography to our debut song. I doubted my dancing skills as I am not the greatest at dancing.

I looked at my self as my body flew with the music. I naturally let my body take the lead, following the best of the music. Letting my body glide with the wind passing my body as I execute each move nicely.

The music stopped as I fell on the ground exhausted, I sigh as I grabbed my phone from the ground, I tapped the screen of my phone.

19.30, I looked at my lock screen photo as I smiled to myself, It was a photo of Sungchan and I on out ski trip 3 years ago.

"Come on, let's take a photo" I called out to him as I pulled him beside me, Let's take a photo with the snow as our background. "Ready, ome, two, three, smile", "i'm going to use this as my background"

I smiled at the lovely memory from 3 years ago, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the practice room only to dump into someone.

"sorry", i said not looking up from the ground, I continued to walk until i felt someone's grip on my bag, I turned around to see Eunji.

I sigh, what does she possibly want from me. 2 weeks ago I found her sweet and caring, now i find her annoying and irritating.

"why can't you leave Sungchan alone? first you steal my position of debuting? and now? you steal my boyfriend away from me?" she argued, I was confused? does she think i'm stealing sungchan?

"first, don't blame me for stealing your position? ask out trainers? oh and Sungchan's my best friend if that's not already obvious to you?" I coldly said.

I felt pain on my cheek, it felt hot and it stung. i held my cheek as I looked up to Eunji who just slapped my face. She had the audacity to slap me, I contained myself from slapping her back as I didn't want to do anything to cause a fight.

I kept my fingers on my face as I stared at her in shock, "you know? slapping me isn't something you should've done? wether you like it or not, I'm debuting and you're not? and? Sungchan's my bestfriend, you can't expect me to stop hanging with him"

I sigh as I walk away from her. Out of all the girls sungchan could've liked? why was is Eunji? why was it her and not me?

I laid in bed watching Netflix, I thought  back to what Eunji did to me, it made me took my eyes, pathetic.

I felt bad for her tho, she's one of the best SM trainees, she's been training for years and years but she never made the cut. I understand why she's mad, it makes me feel bad for her.

My phone stayed to right as i looked down to see Sungchan calling me. "hello?"

"y/n? i think you've lost your mind? why the hell did you think that it was okay to slap Eunji across the face?"

I was in shock, Me slapping Eunji? what the hell? i would never, even if i hated her with all my heart

"Excuse me? I think you've got the whole story wrong, she's the one who slapped me?"

He went silent, "y/n? don't lie to me. just because we're dating it doesn't mean that you should treat her differently, consider her your best friend"

"sungchan, are you out of your mind? I cant believe you're saying this, seriously I cant? If only someone had recorded that"

"Just leave me alone, don't talk to me until you own up to what you've done"

"okay then, you don't even know how I feel right now, from now on you should stop calling, texting or hanging out with me, let's forget we were even best friends, i can't believe you're just wasting 13 years of friendship for this girl"

I harshly yelled as I hung up the phone, I threw it roughly across the bed, Is this really the guy I like? He went from the sweetest most caring guy to the biggest jerk. I stared at my ceiling as tears stared to flow down my cheeks.

I walked out of the dorms and walked to the convenience store. I felt so emotionless and hurt by Sungchan.

I walked over to the drink isle, I looked over to the drinks and got grabbed a drink. "y/n?", I heard someone say, who could possibly be calling my name at 9.30?

I turned my head and saw jake, "jake? what are you doing here", he got closer to me, "well, i'm getting some snacks"

"y/n? don't tell Sunghoon this, but the guys got a crush on you" he said laughing. I blushed furiously as i playfully slapped his shoulder, "no way, that's not true"

He laughed at me, "here let me pay for your drink", he grabbed the drink out of my hands as he walks to the cashier and pays for my drink.

"thanks Jake, i appreciate it" I gave him a fist bump, "of course, we should hangout more often as friends? you're really cool", I nodded my head as I waved my goodbye.

The harsh wind blew across my face as I walked home.

hi, so i'm posting twice today because i'm traveling somewhere. These past 2 chapters were a bit intense and they weren't the greatest, but i'll get better!!

best friend | sungchanWhere stories live. Discover now