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I hugged onto Sungchan tightly while I cried to his shoulder. "let's talk about this tonight, it's too long to explain"

"sure, uhm, your place or mine?" Sungchan asked me, "uhm, i don't know, your place?" I responded, "oh course"

I pulled away from Sungchan's embrace and walked over to the couch, "well i've got to get back to practice now y/n" Sungchan said waving to me.

I watched him walk out of the room and sighed to my self.

I love Sungchan a lot

Ningning and I were walking out until I stopped myself, "hey, you can go home first, i'm gonna go and hangout with Sungchan" I said to her, "ahhhh, i see, you're back to talking to Sungchan" She giggled making me smile widely, "alright then, go have fun" she rolled her eyes and gave my shoulders a pat.

I waved at her and waited for a while until I heard someone calling my name.

I turned my head towards the direction of the voice and saw Sungchan wearing a specific hoodie, a matching hoodie we both had.

"hey, are you ready to go now?" Sungchan asked me, I nodded my head to him and we walked out of the building.

We walked together in silence for a while until a i decided to start a conversation, "you're wearing that hoodie?" I asked him, "well yes, i got really sweaty so i changed" He said back to me which made me open my bag,

I looked through my bag passing an empty bottle, my phone, some bubble gum wrappings until I finally found the hoodie.

The hoodie I wasn't specifically looking for, It was one of Sunghoon's hoodies, my favourite ones actually.

I accident dropped my bag which made the hoodie fall out, Out of instinct i quickly turned my head towards Sungchan who was already squatting.

I  followed after him and grabbed the hoodie which was on the ground , but instead of feeling cotton i felt Sungchan's hand. "oh, i'm sorry, i accidentally dropped my bag" I chuckled nervously.

Sungchan grabbed the hoodie and stood up making me do exactly the same thing, "who's hoodie is this? I don't think i've ever seen this?" Sungchan frowned and passed the hoodie over to me, "i- uh, it's sunghoon's actually, i have returned it yet" I smiled nervously and continued to walk.

"why do you need to return it tho?" I widened my turned my head towards him and shook my head, "i guess i'll tell you once we arrive"

Sungchan and I walked towards the dorms, it was close our dorms which was nice because my ankle was in pain.

We arrived at the the dorms and I entered right after he did, "uh, don't mind the others, they're just gonna do their own thing" Sungchan awkwardly pointed out to the members who were sitting around the dorms.

"sungchan brought a girl home I see?" Jaehyun joked and made Mark and Johnny laugh.

"she's y/n? she's been my best friend since we were 5 years old" Sungchan chuckled and brought my to his bedroom that he shared with Shotaro.

I threw my bag on the ground right beside his bed while I jumped onto his bed and laying down face flat onto the bed sheets.

"i'm going to take a shower real quick i've been sweating all day"

I nodded my head and waited for him. I didn't do much today, I didn't even dance as much, only once and I sprained my ankle, what a GREAT day

best friend | sungchanWhere stories live. Discover now