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I choked and felt my stomach sink.

The smile that was on my face faded away into a straight line.

I had the feeling like someone was stabbing my throat as I fight back tears.

"what?" I stuttered and looked away from Sunghoon.

"i know y/n, i really do like you, i love you, but my manager said it's better for the both us" Sunghoon explained to me while he holds my hand.

"but we can still be friends tho, our friendship shouldn't change"

I nodded my head and looked up to him, he looked sad, really, really heartbroken.

I hugged him tightly and cried into his shoulders while he played with my hair, "i love you y/n, this is for the best okay"

I nodded my head and looked him in the eyes. I cleared my throat and gave him a kiss.

We both smiled and blushed at eachother while we looked away from eachother because we were shy.

"i'm going to go now, my debut teasers are gonna be posted be tomorrow, i'm going to have a goodnight sleep" I said standing up with him beside me.

I felt the tears stream down my face and hugged him one last time, I hugged him tighter than i have ever hugged anyone.

It broke me that we were no longer a couple, and i'm sure it broke him too. Sunghoon was someone I could trust with my heart, someone i loved so much.

I just hope nothing is going to change between us, we're gonna be friends right? that won't change anything between us right?

I walked home and cried to myself while I kicked rocks that were on the sidewalk.

The tears never stopped falling, it was like a waterfall, i waterfall that was rapidly flowing due to the rain that hit last night.

I arrived home and quickly jumped into bed. I felt so unmotivated to do anything. I took the tissues from the kitchen counter and put it beside me on the bed.

I heard a few knocks in the door.
"y/n, are you alright?"
"hey, come talk to us"

I ignored them and only considered to text Sungchan, I felt like everything that's been happening is stupid.

Both of us are really being really really stupid, I forgive Sungchan. I do forgive him, but he's going to say sorry to me first.

I got out of my clothes and took a nice warm shower. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and finally got into my pajamas.

I got back in bed and continued to cry my eyeballs out. I laugh, cry, laugh, cry, laugh, cry, laugh, cry and i repeat.

I changed my wallpaper from the photo of Sunghoon and I to the photo of Sungchan and I from the ski trip.

"now he'll be so happy"

I eventually fell asleep due to exhaustion, i wasn't ready for this.

I was so happy with Sunghoon but I guess at the end of the day, everything eventually ends, this is exactly when it ends with Sunghoon.

I'm pretty sure tho, i'm pretty sure my friendship with Sungchan is very close to ending. It's like soemome is pulling on a string but they're about to let go of the string and let everything fall apart.

I woke up from the door banging loudly.

"wake up y/n, we're going to be late" Karina said and suddenly opened the door to pull me out of bed.

"come on, our debut photos are dropping, get up, shower, wash your face, do everything you do and eat the breakfast we cooked for you"

I groaned and got myself out of bed, "thanks, i'll get out there in abit"

I quickly walked to the bathroom and got my self ready for the day.

- Shower
- brush my teeth
- wash my face
- put some light make up on
- get some clothes

I grabbed some clothes out of the closet and quickly put it on, I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled happily. Today is going to be the first step into my debut.

I walked out of my room and quickly ate the pancakes which were on the kitchen counter.

I rushed and forced them down my throat just because I decided to sleep in today out of all the other days which was pretty much a bad idea.

We sat around the table waited for the managers to post our debut pictures.

My photos were going to be posted first making me very nervous, My heart was pounding loudly I could hear it beating.

I felt nauseous, sick, dizzy, nervous, excited, happy every single emotion in the world.

"girls gather around, we're posting the photos"

We looked at our mangers and bolted towards the table, we stood around our manager while we held hands.

He opened the instagram page and pressed on the plus bottom.


heyyy, have a great day everyone, i've been i obsessed with greys anatomy 😭😭

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