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My room was a mess, a huge mess. A bunch of clothes scattered everywhere, homework pages stacked on my desk and my bed sheets on the ground.

Sungchan's gonna come over in about an hour, I didn't plan for him to come over but he decided himself he was gonna come so I guess I will impress him.

I started to clean my room, starting with putting all my clothes in a laundry basket and bringing it to the laundry machine. This caused me to realize 90% of
my clothes were gone including all my hoodies.

The only hoodies left were, yep, the third hoodie Sunghoon gave me a week before breaking up. It was the only clean one left. I can't freeze though? Yeah, the heaters on, but like....

I'll won't wear it until I get really cold.

Next, I cleared my table, my table had pencils everywhere along with broken pens and scrunched up paper. I put them their assigned folders and shoved them all into drawers.

After clearing my table I quickly cleaned my bed and changed the bed sheets and covers.

To top all of this off, I lit one candle that smelt like Vanilla. Well, if i'm being honest, that's the only candle I had, the wax was almost finished too- but i at least it made my room smell nice.

I stared at my bed for a while deciding if I should lay on the bed and mess up the bed sheets or sit on the floor.

I sat on the floor like the idiot I am, the thing is that i'm already starting to get really cold, i grabbed the hoodie and out it on.

Let's just hope he doesn't notice i'm wearing it.

I grab my phone from the table after laying there for the past 45 minutes, I've gotta admit, my room looked amazing, it looked brand new and newly built.

Before I could do anything else the doorbell started to ring. I shot up from the ground and rushed out of my room towards the door.

I swung the door open revealing the one and only Sungchan. He had a wide smile on his smile revealing his adorable eye smile, My arms reached towards his and pulled him inside.

"yes?" i asked, Sungchan looked over to me and raised a brow showing me he was confused, the both of us walked over to my bedroom.

Right when we entered my room, Sungchan jumped with wide open arms onto my bed causing the the bed sheets to crumble up together.

"sungchan" I yell out frustrated, "I just changed the bedcover," Sungchan chuckled and sat up from his previous position, "you're so annoying"

Sungchan widely smiled as I rolled my eyes and pulled out my study chair, I sat down and put my all my attention to Sungchan who just sat there.

"what?" He furrowed brows together and shook his head, "what exactly did Eunji tell you?" he asked me, "that I should know you guys are gonna end up together?" I chuckled which made his eyes grow wide.

"she did?" I raised my brow to signal a quick yes, "that's not true tho" Sungchan murmured loud enough for me to hear, "i'm not mad if it is true though?"

Sungchan shot his head towards me and widened his eyes, "well, i'll just go out with sunghoon" I smirked avoiding eye contact with him so he doesn't have to see that i'm blushing.

"oh come on, stop playing hard to get" Sungchan rolls his eyes at me and grabs his phone out of from his pockets, "i'm not, what if i just don't" My words got cut of with the noise of someone pressing in phone numbers.

"i'm gonna call eunji and ask to hangout then" Sungchan said pressing the call button, "okay, i'll call Sunghoon then" I smirked and grabbed my phone from the table, Sungchan's head shot towards my phone and was about to say something until Eunji answered the phone.

"speaker" I mouthed to Sungchan.

"hi eunji"
"what's up?"
"uh- do you want too"

Sungchan suddenly hung up the phone, "what?" I raised my brow towards him, "i can't bring myself to do it" Sungchan sighed and scratched his neck.

"i know, that's why I never called Sunghoon" I chuckled and threw my phone onto the bed,

"you bitch"

I turned my head towards Sungchan then laughed loudly, I stood up from the chair and jumped onto the bed right beside Sungchan making the whole bed shake.

"you're annoying you know" I nodded my head and smiled, "so are you?" Sungchan turned his back from me, "we both are"

If he's gonna be like this, I'm gonna tease him.

"sungchan" He turned his towards me and the first thing he saw was my lips, I could feel his breath on my face and before I knew it, I pressed my lips onto his.

I could feel Sungchan tense up from the sudden action and after a few seconds he pulled away with the biggest blush on his face.

Sungchan placed his hands around my neck and pulled me closer to him, I felt his hot breath on me for the second time until I felt his soft lips on mine.

I slowly crept up onto his lap, making him tense up even more, I left his lips and slowly went down to his neck, I lightly sucked on his neck making him turn into a meting mess.

"y/n, can you help me open this please"

Ningning yelled opening the door wide open revealing her and Winter staring at me as I rushed off Sungchan's lap

"jesus christ, i think were disturbing something Ningning "

I just found out some people can't squat or in indonesian (jongkok) WHAT. anyways, anyone want to be friends? idrk which sungchan ff i'll do next but maybe idol au, something like that i'll make a decision soon

best friend | sungchanWhere stories live. Discover now