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It was weird sitting in a car with a girl you don't know. Was she scared? Maybe. But honestly she didn't seemed like she just jump in a car with a boy that she never talked to and doesn't know his intentions. She was on her phone and after 10 minutes of uncomfortable silence I decided to get some coffee in the drive-in. I decided to ask if she wants something too.

"Do you want a coffee or something? I'll pay" I asked. Secretly i hoped she would pay for us both or at least for herself. But I'm a gentlemen.

"Yeah, a chai latte would be nice" typical choice, but in no way a bad one. Chai lattes remind me of the spring, thats why i only drink them then. I decided to get a cold brew.

So I ordered the coffee and drove on the highway. It was very silent in the car, almost uncomfortable. I decided to listen to some music. Dads car is so old it still has cassettes. But thankfully he has a cassette with an aux cable so I can connect my phone with it. But since I'm driving I decided to let Cassie choose the music.

"Hey you can connect my phone with this cable there in choose some music if you want." I said and pointed to the cable and my phone that i put in the cup holder.

"Sure, what's your password?" She asked.

"I don't have one, just slide up to open it" I answered. I already knew that she would ask why I don't have a password.

"Why the hell do you not have a password in your phone?" She asked and laughed.

"You know, I don't really have anything to hide, I don't care if people go on my phone" I answered. That sounded so dumb. I don't have anything to hide, who would say that except someone who has something to hide. I wouldn't have blamed her if she just opened the door and jumped on the highway.

"Oh thats cool. Can i just choose one of your playlists?" She asked. I find it embarrassing when people want to listen to my music, I'm too scared someone will make fun of it. That would be the only reason I'd make a password on my phone.

"Sure go ahead." To my surprise she chose a road trip playlist that i once found while browsing on Spotify. I never really listened to it but a few songs on there i saw were pretty good.
I believe she just pressed shuffle, the first song that played was daddy issues by the neighborhood. Thats one of the songs i knew from the playlist. It's a good song but I don't listen to it often.

After a few minutes she said " I like that song." And took the last sips from her chai latte. I kind of knew that she would like it.

"Yeah me too. It's a bit sad tho." I said.

More minutes went by and she finally said something again.

"Jaden can I ask you something?" She said. Immediately my heartbeat got faster and my hands began to sweat. Something in her voice sounded almost cruel. Like she would ask why I'm so dumb or why I smell so bad.

"Yeah sure go ahead." I said and turned down the volume of the music.

"Where the hell are we going? Like do we have a destination?" She asked the one question I couldn't answer.

"To be honest I don't really know. Wherever you want i guess" I answered and hoped she would give me any answers where she wants to go.

"Oh cool. I don't know where to go either. But somewhere to eat something would be nice for now. I'll pay" she said and smiled at me. I totally forgot the time. It's already 1pm.

"Oh yeah sure I'll find something." I answered.

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