Part 6

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"A big dream. Maybe one day we will see them." Jaden said. I was a bit confused about the we but chose to not think about it. We didn't know each other 6 hours and he already planned to see the northern lights with me?

"Yeah, one day." I just said, hoping I could cancel the idea to drive to the airport right now to fly to Iceland out of his mind. Or mine.

"Soo, next question. What is your favorite school subject." What a dumb question, i thought. He's a teenage boy, his answer will obviously be PE.

"I like literature. Yeah." He said. HE SAID LITERATURE.

"Really? You? Literature?" I asked. I was actually confused.

"Yeah why not? Earlier you said I seem like a nerd and now you're surprised my favorite subject is literature?" He said and i had to correct him.

"No no I said you seem nerdy, thats totally different. I still thought you're a jock." I didn't.

"Me? A jock? Ha." He said. His ego was obviously hurt.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry okay?" I said and started laughing. He did too.

"So okay okay. Next question. Are you a morning or a night person?" These questions are so boring.

"Oh definitely night person. 100%" he said.

"Me too. Me too." I said.

"Do you prefer coffee or tea?" Was the next question.

"I have to say coffee because I don't drink tea that often, like never. I cant actually remember the last time i drank a tea." He said to my surprise. I thought as a teenage boy who's favorite subject is literature he loves tea.

"Really? You don't drink tea? You know what, when we're in the city I'll buy you the best tea and you will love it." I said.

"Okay bet." He said and smiled. "Oh and what do you prefer?"

"I like both the same. Sometimes i drink more coffee sometimes more tea"  I said.

"Biggest pet peeve"  was the next question.

"Oh, probably judging people" he said and winked at me. "No I'm kidding. Loud chewing, ugh i hate that."

"Yeah I get that. Mine is probably when people are always late. Like always." I said.

"Oh yes I hate that too, but my problem is, I'm late very often. So sorry in advance." He said and we laughed.

"What is your greatest fear?"

"Oh, uhm, growing up I guess." He said. Again, surprising.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's dumb I know but, i know what kind of live I'll have when I'm an adult. Boring, a 9-5 job and an unhappy wife. Just shit." He said and the smile on his face faded. The smile looked good on him.

"I never thought about that." Lie. I did. My future is my greatest fear.

"So the next question.." i wanted to say but he interrupted me.

"No wait what is yours?" He asked.

"Uhm i don't know, death probably." LIAR.

Death doesn't scare me. Its the future. But I didn't care to explain.

A lot of questions later, I saw what was the last one. I was excited to hear his response since he surprised me with some of them today.

"Do you believe in soulmates?"

"Nope. Not in a romantically way. Soulmates are meant to break each other's hearts. No exceptions." He said.

"What no. That's literally not true. That's not what they are made for." I said, kind of angry.

"But they do. Maybe they are better off as friends." He said. I didn't agree with him. Not at all.

Soulmates are made to break each others heart. He has a way with words, I had to admit.

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