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I haven't heard or seen anything from Jaden for about five few days. So I decided to text him.

Hey, you're still alive? Haven't heard anything from you in like 5 days. Found a new lunch break friend?

Oh hey, sorry. Been busy. But funny that you texted me, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to got get lunch with me and Lukas later?

Oh so you're friends with Lukas now? He isn't that bad huh?

Yeah you were right.

I'm always right. And yeah, I'd love to meet my replacement :)

You're irreplaceable, idiot :)

Love to hear it. See ya later.

I liked the way we already talked-or texted-with each other, like we've been friends for a long time. Sometimes I honestly forgot that we actually didn't know each other, we were basically still strangers.

I hoped Olivia wont be that mad at me for skipping lunch again. I mean she spend it with Cole anyway. I'm just the third wheel, and thats kinda awkward. Even if lots of their friends were there too, it still was pretty awkward. I had nothing to do with them and also no interested in it.

The lessons went by in like seconds but also felt like days. It's always like that when you're excited for something. Even if its getting lunch with a boy you've know for a week and his new best friend you set him up with. It's still something different and exciting. My heart was racing, because I never know how to act around Jaden, since we don't know each other that well and I don't want to be too open. Don't let your guard down, is a thing Olivia often says to me. But out of her mouth it doesn't sound like she's scared I'll show too much of my feelings or secrets that could get back to me in some bad way, it sounds like I just have a unbearable personality. Maybe I have, but Jaden doesn't seem to mind because he still wants to spend time with me.n

I went to the parking lot to get to Jadens car, he doesn't lock it if we're going somewhere.Even if we weren't that close, its nice that he trusted me like that. Or he just never closes it, wich is pretty dangerous and reckless. But its his car, so I don't care.

Lukas and Jaden weren't there yet, so I just sat in the backseat. I thought it'd be rude if I just sat in the passenger seat, like it was already my place. It wasn't, Lukas probably already sat there more. That sounded jealous, I didn't mean it in that way.

After 5 minutes of waiting they finally arrived. Lukas was smiling at me, so bright his teeth were literally blinding you. Jaden wore a cap, so low you couldn't really see his face.

"Hey Cassie, haven't talked to you in a while, how are you? And your parents?" Lukas asked right away. Even if he was a jock, he was so polite and had great manners. He just hid that a lot because of his friends. The Jock-personality was just the surface, it was like you had to scratch it of to see his true, very nice, self.

"Oh hey, I'm great and so are my parents. And you? How's your sister?" I said. His sister is one grade lower than us. Well two than Lukas, he's a grade above me and Jaden.

"I mean, I'm good, you know as good as it can be and bel is doing pretty good too." He said and smiled. He had the most perfect teeth I've ever seen. His family is pretty rich, and you can tell it by the way they look. Straight, white and rich. The teeth. And them. The whole family looks Straight up rich.

Lukas and I were pretty good friends in elementary school, and we kinda grew apart in middle school. I mean, I was a boring girl and he was a rich boy, so of course that happened. We started getting more in touch by the end of eight grade, ninth grade for him, our parents got closer. My parents were in their weird golfing phase and his parents own the Golfclub in this city. Obviously they do. I mean what else do rich people do than be rich and golf and own a golfing club?

"Are you okay with sandwiches Cassie?" Jaden asked and finally spoke with me. He was in a weird mood. He always is, but weirder than usual.
"Yeah sure, sandwiches are always good." I said and smiled at him while he was parking out of the lot, he turned his head around to see behind. That's when I actually saw his face for the first time that day. He had some scratches and a black eye.

"What happened to your face Jaden?" I asked confused. Before he could say anything Lukas said something.
"Cole Newman happened. That asshole beat the shit out of him. He's crazy dude." He said, smiling, and kinda proud. That's when his Jock-persona came through again. Why are boys so obsessed with fighting? That's a thing I've always asked myself.
"Cole did that? Why?" I asked. Cole really is an asshole. Even if Olivia is dating him, I don't like him. Even though I obviously don't say it in front of Olivia.

"Nothing special happened. He was drunk and I was in his way. I didn't say anything to him that could've provoked him." He said and looked over to Lukas, kind of trying to stop saying anything. He was pressing his lips to keep it shut, to stop himself before he said anything.

"What did you say Jaden?" I knew he was lying.
"Nothing, really." Jaden said.
"Dude you said he's a dumb snob and that he should burn in hell!" Lukas said euphorically.
"LUKAS? DUDE?" Jaden screamed. I just laughed.
"I mean he probably deserved it." I said and laughed. Lukas gave me a fist bump and eventually Jaden laughed too.

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