Part 7

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Ha. Soulmates should always stay platonic. Romantic soulmates are dumb. I knew she didn't agree with me so I was kind of happy to make her angry. I bet she was thinking about a good comeback or something like "but scientist proved..." she was that kind of girl, I thought. But she didn't say a word to that topic. But i knew she was thinking about it. But I honestly think that most boys think the way I think, they just act like they think soulmates are a thing to make their girlfriends love them even more or to make them do things they wouldn't if they weren't told "but you're my literal soulmate baby". I felt bad for them.

"Are there any more questions?" I asked trying to lift her mood up. She was still moody because of what I said, I didn't expect her to make such a big deal out of it.

"Oh actually that was the last one, but I could find some new ones if you want" she said, happier than expected. I was relieved. Either she's a good actress or she already forgot what I said. Probably both.

"Ok, then lets play again later?" I said. I wasn't really in the mood to answer any more questions, I just tried to distract her.

"Sure, no problem, should I look for a restaurant we could go?" She said. I couldn't remember if we already agreed where we were going. I dont know if we already talked about it before. All I knew was that I was hungry.

"Yeah that would be great" I answered and smiled at her, and she smiled back. She then typed something in her phone and after ten minutes she told me about a fancy diner we had to go, she said it looked vintage and super cute and we absolutely had to go there. They apparently had the best burgers in town, but to be fair, they actually had. But on the other hand, when you're really hungry, everything tastes like the best thing in town.

When we arrived, we looked for a parking lot for 15 minutes. It was so exhausting. But to be honest, it wasn't the best idea to go to the city at this time of the day. But that was my fault I guess. I mean, were else should we went? I was too tired to drive somewhere else so we had to live with the crowded city.

"Soooo, we have to go that way. And then that way...."  Cassie said trying to explain the directions. "Or that way?" I asked and turned her around so she could see a big sign from the restaurant that said "this way". She just laughed it off. "Yeah I knew that." What a dumbass, I thought to myself. But I would've done the exact same thing. Lets be honest.

"Okay then, go ahead" I said, chuckled and mocked her a little bit by holding my phone and stumbling in the other direction. "Yeah I will" she laughed too, but then flipped me off and laughed even more. "I'm just kidding haha" she quickly said and walked to the restaurant. I rolled my eyes and walked after her. She was walking pretty fast, either because she was embarrassed, she wanted to annoy me or because she was hungry. Maybe all of it, but probably because she wanted to annoy me.

The restaurant was a little diner with cute old interior. Lots of red, lots of neon signs. I loved it, and Cassie loved it too. She couldn't stop taking pictures.

We ordered some fries and milkshakes. She had a vanilla milkshake, I think, and I had strawberry. It was amazing. The best milkshake I've ever had in my life.

After that, we decided to walk through the city for a little bit, we didn't have anything else to do anyway. It was kind of relieving to not have a strict schedule and just to do what you want. Well, I had to be home sometime this evening. But no other obligations. Every second that day I realized how much I hated my life. Everything. School. Especially school. But I couldn't change it, thats just how it was. Awfully boring. I was living my best life, even if it only was for a few hours.

The thought of school reminded me that my friends would probably text me where I was. Where I was, I didn't know what to tell them. I didn't wanna tell them I was in the city drinking milkshakes with a random girl from school. I checked my phone to see a message from Keira. It said "where the fuck are you. Me and Ty are worried." Keira and Tyler are my best friends. We've known each other for almost our whole life. Ty and Keira always stick together, mostly against me. They are and example for platonic soulmates. Sometimes people even think they're dating, I mean they definitely would if Ty wasn't asexual and Keira wasn't a lesbian. But sometimes I actually think they've been kidding with me the whole time and they're actually dating. Like "hey Jaden, just kidding. We're both hetero and we plan on marrying one day and having four perfect children and a dog."
No, as I was thinking about that option I realized how dumb it was. I took the last sip from my milkshake and threw it in the trash.

I just replied with "I'm ok. See y'all later"

I was wondering what we would do the whole day left, me and Cassie. Just walking around? But we would find something interesting to do, I thought to myself. We could go into a store and try some new outfits maybe? Maybe get our nails done? I don't know. Endless opportunities....

My mind wandered as we were walking through the the city.. were is this going? Will me and Cassie be friends now? Or will this end totally awkward and we will only wave at each other in the hallway, after we promised we would hang out again?

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