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Only two days left on my plan. I felt way better after staying home Friday. I slept until like 2pm and then I just chilled. Honestly I really needed a day like this regardless of what happened with Cassie. I'm so happy that my parents are chill with me staying at home every now and then.

Since I felt better I went jogging. Yup, you read that right. I went jogging. I'm a whole ass new person. Maybe not.

But shit like that usually makes em feel better, no matter what the problem is in that moment. Just focusing on myself. I didn't feel that anxious anymore so I decided to get a coffee at the little café.

I jogged there and the sun was shining, I was sweating like shit. I wanted to walk back home at the river, I barely do that anymore. I thought it would be nice to see something more or less new.

I walked down the street to get my coffee and walking in the café, I saw Lukas and Cassie sitting there. I was happy to see her, and I was happy to see her happy with Lukas. He really is a good friend to me and her. I felt bad that I ignored both of them. I mean I talked to Lukas once but is that considered enough.

I just hoped they wouldn't see me. I wasn't in the mood to talk to them yet. Monday, then yes. Not yet. So I quickly ordered my coffee to-go payed and walked out. But I couldn't help to smile. Only seeing her made me feel way better. I was happy that she wasn't broken because I ignored her. And I was happy Lukas really cared about her. Sometimes I wonder why he isn't dating her.

I walked home by the river when I got a message.

Still alive huh? It was Lukas.
Yup. Decided to treat myself with a coffee today. Have fun :) I answered him. Sounded ironic but I meant it.

"Why are you smiling like that" said my mom when I arrived at home.
"Oh just, coffee you know. Haven't had one the whole week so I'm happy to have one now." I said and tried to get my mouth under control. It was uncontrollable.
"Oh okay, me and dad will go grocery shopping later, do you need anything?" She said and we discussed that for a while.

Sorry I was so distant the whole week. Had some personal problems. I texted Lukas.
Oh, everything's alright. Its just like that sometimes right? He answered.
You're at work rn? I asked.
Not yet, I have to be there in an hour. Why? He texted.
Nothing important, just wanted to know if we could maybe hang. I answered.
Maybe tonight? I'll be off from work at like 7pm. You could pick me up. He then texted.
Sure. See you then.

I wanted to know if Cassie said anything negative, or positive, about me. I was curious. Maybe Lukas would tell me I thought.

I showered and ate something then watched TV. As always. At like 6:30pm I decided to get up and drive to pick up Lukas.

He worked at this little family-owned cinema. Its really cute, small and old. Even though he didn't need to work there he loved it. He loved working with the older woman that owns it. They're like besties. Her husband is there sometimes too, and he treats Lukas like his own grandchild. Its really heartwarming. I actually don't think they have children on their own, so Lukas really is like a grandchild. And you could tell how grateful they were to have him. I'm not even sure if he gets payed for working there.

So I waited in front of the Cinema for him to get out and he walked out there with his perfect , white, straight smile. Honestly perfection.

"Hey bud, hows it going?" I asked. I knew I could talk different with him but the hey bud stuck. I don't think he cared.
"Hey, I'm good and you?" He said. I just nicked and didn't answer his question. He definitely knew how I felt.

"What do you want to do?" I asked after a while.
"We could get something to eat. I'm pretty hungry." He said and texted someone while talking with me.
"Yeah, sounds good. Burgers?" I asked and tapped on my steering wheel.
"Of course, you know I love burgers." He said. Cassie would say that's because he's a Taurus. Then she would proceed to say thats why her and Lukas get along so well since they're both Taurus'. Then she would absolutely flame me for being a Leo. Sorry, its not my fault that my mom decided to birth me in august. I'm still not a fan of astrology.

We arrived at the burger shop of our choice, name wont be said, and found a table to sit at. I didn't wanna eat in the car again.
"Sooo, tell me. Why are you ignoring Cassie." Lukas asked right away.
"I was busy, thats the only reason. Did she say something?" I asked. I was nervous.
"She was worried. She thought she did something wrong." He said. Ouch, that's exactly what I didn't want to happen.
"Its a long story. Its a me problem. It has nothing to do with her. Its my fucked up head." I said and scratched my hand.
"Does it have anything to do with the kiss at the beach." He said and I think I lost any color I had in my face. How did he know about it? Was he there too? Did she tell him? I didn't think so, she wanted out to stay a secret.

"What kiss?" I said trying to confuse him.
"Jaden, Cassie told me. I get that it meant nothing to both of you but thats not a reason to just let that friendship die." He said. So she really told him. Maybe it meant something to her. But no, she made it clear to me that it didn't.
"It was nothing. It was a dumb mistake, okay?" I said. Lukas just smiled. That asshole.

We had a fun rest of the night but the question why she told him was stuck in my head. I just couldn't believe it. And deep down in me I didn't believe that she told him. That's so unlike her to talk about something like that. But why would he know about it then?

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