Part 9

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I'm 17 years old and my curfew is 6pm. That's probably what Cassie thought I said. Well technically I said that my curfew was 6pm, but didn't mean that. It was an exception.

But we still had three hours left. I don't know if I was relived or not. I still couldn't figure out if I enjoyed spending my time with her. Don't get me wrong, she was very nice, but we were basically strangers.

That's were it hit me. We were strangers. On one side, that could be nice. After this day we could've just parted our ways and never thought about our trip again, or talk to each other. Or not. We could become best friends or something. Or enemies. Lovers. But the question I asked myself was, what happens when I drop her of at her house? What would her parents think? Do I drop her off? Will we ever meet again? Stay strangers? I didn't want that. I didn't want to end up as strangers.

All these thoughts fucked up my head. I needed distraction.

"Can you put on some music again?" I asked. Music was the only reasonable cure for my current state of mind.

"Sure, any specific wishes?" She answered.

"No, just put on what you like" I answered. I was curious what kind of music she liked.

"Okay, bit don't judge me haha" she said and giggled. I liked her laugh.

The music she put on was nice, very similar to the music I listen to. My thoughts from before faded into a bigger question.
What was she thinking about. Did she like my presence? Did she think we would end up as stranger too? Did she want to end up as strangers?

I tried to clear that thought out of my mind by looking back at the day. We had a lot of fun. We couldn't end up as strangers because one thing that will always connect us will be this day. No matter what happens.

I still didn't know where I was driving but I knew that the next closest stop would be the beach. Going to the beach could be fun, I thought to myself.

"We could stop at the beach and then drive back home, is that ok?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, sounds amazing" she said and smiled at me.

After 20 more minutes driving I drove to the next drive-through to get another coffee, and another chai for Cassie. I payed again. It was only fair since she payed for our food in the diner.

"Did you find some more questions?" I asked. It got kind of boring to just drive, listen to music and sip on my cold brew every now and then.

"Oh yeah, totally forgot that." She said and quickly scrolled on her phone. "So...first question...these are a bit more personal I, what do you think about when you fall asleep?" She said.

Who thinks when they fall asleep? Or at least I couldn't remember what im thinking about before I fall asleep.

"I have no idea. I don't have a specific thing I think about. And you?" I answered.

"Sometimes I think about my future, or I imagine me being very rich and living in my 8million mansion. Sometimes both" she said and laughed. "I'm just kidding. I don't know either." She added.

"Okay next question. How many partners did you have in your life?" I hate these questions.

"Dude, to be honest. Not one. Girls don't like me" I said.

"Of course they do! And guys too!" She said and laughed.

"Guys? What guys do you mean?" I asked. I was honestly confused.

"Tyler is so in love with you!" She said. The thing with Tyler is, he treats every person in his life like he's married to them, even though he's just friends with them.

"Oh no, Tyler is asexual and doesn't date. He's just very nice to everyone." I said. A lot of people assume ty is either gay or bi, since he doesn't fit in the stereotype of being asexual. I personally think its dumb that he gets judged like that or that there are these stereotypes in general.

"Oh okay, I didn't know that sorry." She said.

"And you? How many partners did you have?" I asked.

"Same thing, zero. Boys don't like me haha." She said, and it wasn't true at all. I know a lot of boys that had a crush on her.

"That's so not true. Lots of boys had crushes on you. Josh even wanted to ask you out but he got scared you would say no." I said.

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