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I was really thankful that he said I could put on some music. The silence in the car was unbearable but also comfortable, for some reason. I'm still confused that I felt so safe with this boy that I didn't know.
I took his phone and to my surprise it had no password. Lots of people do that but I didn't expect a teenage boy to have no password on his phone. Not that I thought he had anything to hide. Not that I cared but I was surprised.

I went through his Spotify to find a random playlist. They all had artsy fancy names. Specified to certain moods, locations situations people and and and....you could tell he didn't make all of them. I chose the only one with a simple name. Road trip.

I believe it was also the only one he didn't made himself. But that doesn't matter, the music was good. I pressed shuffle and the first song that played was daddy issues by the neighborhood. I heard that song once on a party, the only high school party I ever went to, and really liked it. I just forgot to ask what the name was so I never heard it again.

That Highschool party was one of the best and one of the worst nights of my life.

But it gave me the same feeling like it did on that party. Kind of free. I felt like the main character in a movie. The hot main character. The hot main character that has some kind of childhood trauma and commitment issues.

I decided to finally say something. "I like that song "

"Yeah me too, it's a bit sad tho" he answered.

I sometimes like sad music, but not always. Sad songs are more realistic. That's why. Sometimes I like it when things are realistic and normal. But that's what's so beautiful in music. You can sing about stuff that isn't real and that's awesome. Sad songs are, most of the time, about the real life. The most happy songs you hear nowadays are about money, and don't get me wrong, money makes you happy.

Time has passed and I got bored. I didn't really know what to do tho. But there was one question I had to ask the whole day already.

"Jaden, can I ask you something?" I said. That sounded horrifying. If he asked like that I would be scared. Really scared.
But I noticed that he got scared, his fingers started fidgeting and he tapped on the steering wheel in an annoying speed.

"Yeah sure go ahead." He said. Even though he acted nervous his voice was steady and stable.

"Where the hell are we driving, like do we have a destination?" That sounded so rude, man. When I'm nervous, or around people I don't really know, I start to talk and act rude. Maybe its a defense mechanism. I don't know but its kind of annoying because I can't control it.

"To be honest, I don't really know. Wherever you want I guess" he answered. I was really hungry so maybe somewhere to eat something I thought.

"Oh cool. I don't know where to go either. But somewhere to eat something would be nice for now. I'll pay." Damn I can be nice? Weird.

"Yeah cool, I'll find something." He said and I couldn't help but smile at him, he didn't see it anyway. Or at least I thought so. But I could tell that he was smiling, you can hear his smile. It's hard to explain but you can hear it.

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