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I was knocking on his window, more or less aggressive. I was so nervous for no reason at all. I could've just went through the actual door, but I thought his parents were home and I knew he was embarrassed. I mean I would've been too, so no hard feelings.

And besides that, I've always wanted to dramatically climb through a window and Jadens was perfect, it was on the second floor but as if it was meant to be, there was a ladder. It was almost too perfect.

Waiting for him to open up the window felt like HOURS. It felt so relieving when the window finally went up.

"What the actual fuck are you doing here?" He whispered. I missed his voice. Eww.
"No the question is what are you doing here?" I said but I actually didn't mean it. It just came out of my mouth.
"I'm literally living here now come on in!" He whispered,aggressively. I was trying not to laugh because its so weird to see Jaden actually mad. I mean his standard mood is always kind of annoyed and mad but still nice, I never saw him actually mad. Or trying to be mad.

So I climbed through the window in his room. I never saw his room before, so I was looking around. It was a basic teenage boy room. Nothing special. Boring.

"So, what are you doing here?" He said with a low voice, still mad but not as mad as before. He also didn't seem that mad, just very confused. And anxious.

"I just have a little question for you" I said and fake laughed. "Why the hell did you tell Lukas." I said in a more serious tone than before. I was proud of myself that I didn't laugh. Or cry.

"Me? You told him!" He said and fake laughed too mocking me.
"Stop with this bull shit and tell me why you told him about it? We agreed to not tell anyone!" I said, trying to keep my voice low in case his parents were home.

"Haha I didn't. I really didn't tell him anything! Why should I! It was a stupid kiss!" He said and it kind of hurt my heart. But he was absolutely right.

"But if you didn't tell him and I didn't either but he told both of us the other told him, how does he know and more importantly. Why?" I said and crossed my arms.

"But, how does he know if you didn't tell him and I didn't either? He literally couldn't know it from anyone else. I didn't tell anybody and I guess you didn't either." He said. He was out of breath, for some reason.

"That's creepy, is he like a stalker?" I said. My arms were still crossed, I didn't know what to do with them.

"No, of course not. He's just overly obsessed with the thought of us two being a couple." He said and I laughed. But he was right Lukas was a bit too obsessed with shipping us.

"But I told him so many times that were just friends." I said. He nodded.
"Yeah so did I. But he wont let go so we have to live with it." He said.
"Yeah, or we could tell him a convincing story about us. A lie. Make him believe that we were a couple for like...3 hours. Something absolutely stupid. And you fell in love with my...mom then. That's why we broke up after 3 hours." I said. Yes, it was a weird idea but hey, why not.

"Yeah, something along the lines but lets leave your mom out of this." He said and laughed.
"Our families have actually been enemies for more than 5 generations and if they found out that we were a couple, literal war would happen." He said then.

"Nah, he's gullible but not that gullible. And also, he would say that we still had feelings for each other. Something like it was a whole dare. One of us got paid to spend the day with the other and kiss them at the end. Or us both. And then in the end we liked each other enough to be friends." I said. It was a dumb idea but I knew he would believe it.

"That's a good idea. Yup, we're doing that. Tomorrow, we'll get lunch together again and then we're telling him." He said and giggled. I really missed him that week. But I didn't care why he ignored me. He had his reasons.

"But do we tell him we know he lied to us?" He asked.
"Nah, lets just not make it a topic. He knows he lied. We do too. That's everything that's important." I said.

"Okay, should I text him or do you?" He asked. I wanted to do it.
"I'll do it okay?" I said and smiled. He was relieved that he didn't have to do it.

"Nice, I have to go then." I said and walked to the window.
"You can use the actual door by the way." He said and laughed.
"Nah, its the experience." I said and winked. He rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Bye bye looser!" He said mockingly. I flipped him off and walked down the street. The sun was setting.

I decided to text Lukas right away.

Hey. Lunch tomorrow! We have to talk..it's about me and Jaden. I texted, trying to tease him.
Omg. I wanna know it NOW. He answered.
Nah we both wanna tell you:) I texted. I knew he was loosing his mind in that moment. That's what you get for getting in our business.

It was the next day and I was so nervous. I wrote down what I wanted to say, like I was performing a bit. Ridiculous.

The time went by fast but so fucking slow at the same time. It was so nerve wracking. I wanted it to be lunch break already, but at the same time not, I was so scared. I was scared he would realize that we're lying right away.

It was time and I walked to the parking lot to Jadens car. He took his own car. I personally preferred the convertible but his car is okay too.

They weren't by the car yet so I sat in the backseat. Jaden and Lukas could sit in the front, I didn't care. Maybe it would make it less awkward.

I had to wait 5 minutes until they finally showed up. They always take such a long time. Annoying.

We drove to our usual sandwich store and sat in our usual booth.

"So, tell me. I'm so excited." Lukas said.
"Lets wait for the food okay." Jaden said. He didn't seem nervous at all. It was dumb to be nervous anyways.
"Come on! Tell me!" He said. He was acting like a little child. Almost throwing a tantrum.
"Be patient!" I said.

We got our food and Lukas could barely concentrate,he was so excited.

"Sooooo? Tell me now, everything!" He said and giggled.

"Its not what you're thinking, Lukas." Jaden said. He was so calm it was concerning.
"Then what is it!" He said and almost screamed, but noticed how loud he was.
"Then what is it!" He repeated, but whispered.

"The kiss, it wasn't what you're thinking. It was a dare. He got paid for it." I said and laughed. Lukas face was shocked.
"Yup, I got 30 bucks for that!" Jaden said and laughed. I laughed too.
"I got fifteen too! Don't forget that!" I said and boxed Jadens arm. We both laughed.

"That cant be true. I saw it with my own eyes." He said. He was so shocked.
"Oh, so you saw it? I thought we told you! Gotcha!" I said and Jaden gave me a fist bump.
"Y'all knew?!" Lukas said. The expression on his face was priceless.
"Obviously we knew. We're not that dumb" Jaden said.

"I know you don't want to believe us but it was a dare. We're just friends and we were never more. And we will never be more! And thats fine!" I said and laughed.

"No no, its okay." Lukas said and laughed. "I believe you guys!" He said.

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