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I was so confused, yet so relived at the same time. But mostly confused. Why would he tell Lukas? We talked about that stupid kiss. We said it didn't mean anything at all. It didn't! It was a mistake! Hell, I'm even going so far to say that it ruined our friendship. I mean it was obvious he ignored be because of it. But why? It happened weeks ago. We met afterwards, we had so much fun and now that asshole has to ruin it? I was so mad. Yet, confused.

I was laying on my bed and I anxiously scratched my arm. So many questions went through my head. The biggest question was what the fuck Jaden. To be fair that wasn't really a question more a statement. I wished I could scream these words in his face in that exact moment. I was mad because I spend my Saturday night overthinking the last 5 weeks. But why was I mad? He basically was still a stranger. We were strangers. When that realization hit me I was mad at myself. I was so anxious about what I did wrong this whole week. I didn't do anything wrong, the only thing that was unfortunate was that I was so attached to him. In retrospect, that was kind of my fault.

But nope. He wouldn't ruin my night. Not this time. I wanted to talk to Lukas.

Hey, are you free rn?  I messaged. I had to wait a little bit for an answer, which is unusual.

Sorry, I'm out with Jaden right now. Anything important? Of course.

Nah, its okay. I'm just bored. I answered and turned of my phone. Olivia wouldn't text me anyways. Saturday is date night.

I went for a walk. I never do that, especially not when its dark out. Scary. But I was bored. I wasn't mad at anyone anymore. I kind of accepted the fact that Jaden is just fucked in his head. But who isn't.

I thought about getting a milkshake somewhere. But that was Jadens and my thing so it felt weird to do it without him. And I didn't have any cash with me and my card was also at home. Then I decided to walk back home, it got a bit chilly.

I turned my phone on again and there was a message from Lukas.

Is it because of what I said about Jaden?  He knows me a bit too well.
Nope. I'm just lonely ;(   I answered.
Okay. I'll text you later. He texted.

I felt weirdly left out, we usually would spend the Saturday night, all three of us. The three musketeers. Undefeatable, only a stupid kiss could tear us apart.

I just went to sleep after that. Walking made me tired. And overthinking. And being mad.

I woke up the next day at like 10 am. It was Sunday so it was okay. No new messages. Rude.
I ate breakfast with my parents and then I showered. I think I even fell asleep in the shower.

I didn't know what to do with the rest of my day so I asked Lukas if he was free even though I knew he was working.
He said I could visit him at work.

You couldn't consider Lukas job a real job. He's working at the smallest cinema I've ever seen, and he only really talks with the owners the whole day. Their a cute little old couple. They love him. He doesn't get paid and he's more than okay with that, he probably pays them as I know him.

"Hey Cassie, how are you?" Lukas asked when I entered the cinema.
"Yeah, I'm alright and you?" I said and the old lady was smiling at me with the brightest smile I've ever seen, besides Lukas.
"Oh, that is mrs. Jones, she and her husband own this whole cinema here." He said and she gave me her hand. I was afraid to break it, it was so tiny and fragile.
"Hello I'm Cassie, nice to meet you mrs. Jones." I said and smiled.
"I'm happy to finally see you here! Lukas told me so much about you! You really seem like a nice young lady!" She said and giggled, then walked behind the counter. Lukas smiled. I think he was a little bit embarrassed that she said that.

"So..how was yesterday?" It felt weird to ask that. It felt like me and Jaden are Lukas's divorced parents, and he just spend the weekend over at his house and I just picked him up.

"A typical boys night. Burgers, cars and not any girls at all." He said and laughed. I laughed too. I mean I wasn't expecting anything else but I was relived that it was just the two of them.

"Nice. My night was pretty eventful too. I went for a walk" I said mockingly. We both laughed.
"When are you two going to talk again." He said in a serious voice. My heart sunk.
"When he's ready. I don't know what wrong with him but he seems to need some time." I said. I didn't know why he would need time for himself but that was the only thing  that went in my head.

"He's weird, I know, he can't really cope with his feelings, whatever they are, its not your fault, okay?" He whispered to me. For some reason he didn't want mrs. Jones to hear what we said.

"I guess you're right. Time will tell" I said and checked the time.
"Time will tell" he mumbled to himself.
"What?" I said and gasped. Then I kind of laughed.
"Nothing, its just such a wise thing to say." He said and smiled. I boxed his arm. He was obviously mocking me. He laughed.
"Please keep these words in your mind." He said and smiled hopefully.
"Yeah." I said and smiled too.

"But I have to go now, my parents are expecting me at home." I said and grabbed a candy that was displayed in a little jar on the counter.

"Bye Cassie see you tomorrow!" Lukas said. I walked out of the cinema and waved at him and mrs. Jones.

I didn't have to be at home. I decided to go and talk to Jaden.

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