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"Hey, whats up dude?" I heard as I picked up the phone. It was Tyler. He always calls anonymous, for some reason. So im always scared to pick up the phone, I mean, it says no caller-Id so of course I get paranoid, and then its just him.

"Hey, whats up ty?" I said and laughed, I was relived he was still calling me, I mean, I literally ignored him and Kiera, the last like two weeks.

"Nothing, just wanted to ask you if you're still in on our poem date, buddy. Kiera too. Of course not just us two." He said and laughed. I laughed too.

"Yup, still in." I said and sat down on my bed.
"Your tux is almost ready! So, be ready to try it on!" Tyler said. His dad is a tailor. And he was so nice to make me a tuxedo.
"And dude, Kiera is thinking about getting a matching tuxedo too!" He said excited.
"I thought she would anyway?" I said confused. That was our thing. The matching tux's. Creepy and cheesy, but we think its funny.
"Nah, she was thinking about getting a dress in the same color as our little pocket square thingy." He said.
"Oh thats actually a nice idea, not everyone looking the same but still matching. Isn't that an even better idea?" I said.
"Yeah, you little genius. Maybe you'll get a girl easier if you're not wearing matching tux's with your besties." Tyler said and laughed.
"Lets get kie on this call and ask her." I said and laughed.

We discussed it and came to the idea that Tyler would wear a black velvet suit with a green blouse underneath, Kiera didn't want to wear a dress so she chose green satin pants and a white blouse and I would wear a black velvet suit with a green pocket square. We are a bit weird.

After our phone call I showered and went to bed. But I couldn't sleep. Thoughts were running though my mind. The thing that Cole said, Cassie and Lukas, I felt bad for not asking him to join our little dress code. School, and Cassie again.

But I eventually fell asleep.

The next day I woke up and went on with my day. I didn't see Cassie at school, and Lukas either. Maybe they skipped school together and didn't ask me. Or maybe they were both sick? Or maybe I just didn't see them, I mean we didn't have class together. But I chose to not think about them today.

Eventually Lukas texted me and asked me where I was the whole day, and that he wanted to ask me to skip lunch break btût he thought I was mad at him. I texted him making sure that he knows I wasn't mad at him.

Cassie didn't text me. But I wasn't expecting her to do so anyway.

I was home alone, my parents still were gone. It was boring but I also didn't wanna ask anyone to hang, I thought that came of as desperate. I mean I was desperate but my friends didn't need to know that.

I ate and went to the sofa to watch some TV. But I wasn't watching, I zoned out. I only zoned back in because I heard knocking on the window in the living room and nearly got a heart attack.

I looked over to the window and is was just Cassie, and after some looking I also saw Lukas somewhere there, it was already pretty dark out and he had all black clothing on, so he was kind invisible.

"What are you guys doing here?! I nearly got a heart attack?!" I said furious.
"I remember that you were home alone, so I called up Lukas and asked him if we should give you some company." Cassie said and smiled.

They brought some pizza and we ate, watched a a movie and played a board game like some old grandpas. It got pretty late, and I didn't want them to walk home alone at 2am. So I decided to drive them home. That way I would get out of the house too. And a bonus, I enjoyed driving through the night. I mean who doesn't.

We decided to drive for a bit and listen to some music.

"Oh man, what a life." Lukas said and leaned back on hid seat. He was sitting on the backseat, he usually sits on the passenger seat but he decided to be a gentlemen and let Cassie sit in the front. She obviously liked that, so that way she could choose the music.

"We could do this more often guys!" Cassie said. She was tired, you could hear it in her voice.

"Guys, guys, you should pay for the gas soon, its getting expensive!" I said and laughed. I was half joking half being serious.

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