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He dropped me off and for some reason I felt lighter than before, like there was some weight that fell of me that night.

I mean maybe it was because I told him my biggest secret.

I knew he was kind of happy that I trusted him enough to let him know a big part of my life that nobody else knows about. It pushed his already way too big ego.

But I really trusted him. I did. And that is one thing that'll never change no matter what happened. He's the one person I trust.

I didn't expect any messages that morning from him but I was kind of bummed out that he didn't wish me good night. Well good sleep, it was early in the morning.

But I wasn't mad or something thats just how he was. Very distant sometimes. Sometimes I wondered if we still were strangers.

I didn't wanna answer that question tho, I was happy the way it was. Whatever it was.

That's when I realized I haven't heard anything from Lukas in a while. I wondered if he was mad because we kind of left him out. But I'm sure he would be understanding. I mean there actually was no real explanation to why we ignored him. It wasn't our intention.

So I decided to text him.

Hey Lukas, how are you? I wrote. He almost immediately answered.

I'm great! And you? Any exciting news? I loved the way he talked when his weird friends weren't around.

Yeah im good too. Pretty tired but whats new right! I picked up my prom dress yesterday! I wrote. I knew he was excited to see it.

Omg, I'm so excited! Sad that we don't have any dates yet, huh? He texted.

But we have us! And I bet you could ask out any girl and she would go with you:)

Nah, I'm not really in the mood. We can have fun! You me and Jaden! The three musketeers!

You're right:)

Sometimes I thought it was weird that Lukas never had a girlfriend. I mean, he isn't ugly, not at all, pretty handsome to be honest. And he's a nice guy. Polite and well mannered. And loyal. The only encounter with a girl I ever saw Lukas having was kissing Chloe behind the bleachers after a Football game when he was in Freshman year. I always thought they would be cute together and was sad when they never dated.

Then I laid down for a while. I was still pretty tired, I haven't pulled an all-nighter in a long time. I think I fell asleep for 5 hours and then I woke up to do my homework. Well I was on my phone most of the time but I still got everything done.

I found a funny picture I took of Jaden and send it to him. He didn't answer though. He probably was embarrassed or something.

Then I did a workout, I know. I know. Don't say anything......

I even took a bath. It was a literal self care day.

I totally wasn't in the mood to go to school but I picked out an outfit for it. It wasn't even a special day I was just in the mood to not look like I haven't showered in 7 business days. Not that that's bad.

I fell asleep pretty early, around 8pm. I was fucking tired. Exhausted. Fatigue. Well, you get it.

The next morning I woke up extra early to do yoga. YOGA. I don't know what went through my mind but it was pretty awesome and I was so full of energy afterwards. I remember I promised myself to do it more often in the mornings. Did I do it? I'll never tell. A magician never tells his secrets I guess.

I walked to school but took the way where I wouldn't meet Olivia. She didn't text me this morning that we would meet up so I decided to take the shorter route.

I listened to music and was in my own world. I don't know if anyone said anything to me because I probably ignored them on accident.

Lukas didn't text me this morning and neither did Jaden. But I didn't care. Maybe they skipped together today, I wouldn't be mad. I'm happy that they became friends. And I'm even happier that I set them up. Matchmaker? Yup.

The day went by super fast and I didn't went home after school, I decided to go the the Café and get a coffee, sit down there and do my homework like the rich university students that always study there. I always wanted to be one of them, with their chic expensive laptops and even more expensive watches, their expensive cars and expensive friends. But fucking shitty personality's. But that part doesn't matter when you're rich. That's why I wanted to become rich, so I could hide my own personality and become the person I always wanted to be. That sounds deep.

I stayed there for a while and then I walked home. I felt free, for some reason, even if it worried me that Lukas Jaden and Olivia didn't text me at all. But today was a me-day. Only me. Me myself and I. I mean that's necessary sometimes.

But I also felt kinda alone.

I went to bed and fell asleep right away.

I woke up and obviously didn't do yoga. I hoped that Jaden would ask me to skip lunch break with him. Would be nice I thought. Of course with Lukas.

But I didn't hear anything from him. Again. But I wasn't too worried. Maybe he was busy. Lukas checked up on me and asked how I was doing, which was nice. But we left at saying we should meet up again.

Olivia asked me why I was ignoring her, which I was, but I told her I wasn't. I wasn't doing it intentional. That's what I told her.

We ate lunch together and talked, mostly she talked. About Cole, obviously. Sometimes I hoped she would eventually realize how much I hated him. But she never did. She was too focused on herself.

We were sent home one and a half hours earlier than usual because one of the teachers was sick. I hoped I would see Jaden somewhere with his car, maybe we could drive down to the beach and watch the sunset. Lukas could come with us too.

But I didn't see him nor did he text me, like the last three days. I was a little bit worried at that point but whatever. He's a boy and boys sometimes are too focused on themselves to care about their surroundings and the people around. Maybe he was too busy.

I then thought about going home but then decided to go to the café again. I liked the atmosphere there. And it smelt nice. And I liked to guess what each customer would order. Some people look like their order. For example, there are chai latte people and there are americano people. People that look like a hot drink and people that look like an iced drink. The women that look like they're soccer moms usually order tea or simple coffee. The teens buy iced coffee most of the time. A lot of these rich business men order macchiatos or even Cold brew.

When I'm there I fully realize that all of those people have their own lives, like they have their own worries and their own problems, their own fears and their own safe places. Their own friends and people they love. And these people too and and and...

Sometimes I felt like a weird stalker starring at all of those people, but at least I didn't take pictures. But it was way too interesting to analyze people than to worry about coming off weird.

I sat in the café for about three hours when I decided to go home when it wasn't dark yet. I was happy that I decided to not forget my earbuds at home this morning so I listened to some music.

When I arrived at home my parents were cooking, I love it when they cook together. They both love it, and I always wonder why they never opened their own restaurant, because everything they touch in the kitchen turns out to be a culinary masterpiece.

Then I went to bed. It was already Tuesday, the last two days went by like seconds, even without Jaden.

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