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I weirdly enjoyed spending the day with Jaden. He's easy to be around, he's not complicated. Lots of people I spend my time with drain my social battery. He didn't, so I decided it would be nice if we were friends.

After he dropped me off I was mentally prepared for my parents to be home and laughing their ass off that I got dropped off by a boy. They love making fun of my love interests, not that there are many, or any at all. Not that Jaden was one of them, but you get the point. The daughter gets dropped of by a boy, they are probably already married and pregnant.

"Hello? Mom? Dad?" I said while stepping in the house. It was quiet.
"Are you guys home?" I asked again, after I got no answer. Apparently they weren't home yet. I hate being home alone. It's scary and boring.

So I decided to call one of my friends. Maybe Olivia. I mean, she's my only friend so I had no other choice. Even if I didn't wanna talk to her at all. She was one of the people that absolutely drained my social battery, don't get me wrong, I love her. She's just... a lot.

"Where the fuck where you the whole day cas?" She said after she answered my call. She usually doesn't say hello.
"Not in school?" I answered. I didn't know what to say. I panicked. She loves to make me panic. And I love to mess with her.
"Well really? I didn't realized you dumbass." She answered. She's so rude when I mess with her.
"Sorry, I wasn't feeling well. I stayed home." I said. I didn't want her to know I was gone with jaden. Not that he's embarrassing.
"You weren't home Cassie. I wanted to say hello to you after school but no one was home. Your parents weren't either." Shit.
"Umm, I was at my grandmas?" I'm such a bad liar.
"No Cassie you weren't. Tell me the truth or I'll ask Jaden." She said and my heart dropped.
"What?" Was the only thing I could say.
"Keira told me he was gone too, so I thought maybe he was with you or you were with him I guess." She said in the mist judgemental tone ever.
"No, liv, thats just a coincidence. Why would I do something with him?" I said trying to sound convincing.
"Yeah I mean you're right, he's weird. I'm sorry I was so rude I guess." She said.
"Yeah its okay, I know how jealous you get when I hang out with other people." I said and laughed.
"Fuck you Cassie!" Olivia said and laughed too.

We talked for two or three hours and then I fell asleep. She talked about how her parents were annoying her again and how Cole, her boyfriend, wanted to buy her something expensive, but she wanted to buy it herself. But I've never slept so good like that night. I don't know what was the reason for that, the call with Olivia or the day with Jaden.

The next morning I woke up and was weirdly happy. I didn't care that I had to go to school. The only thing I was worried about was how things would be between me and Jaden. Would we say hello in the Hallway? No? Eat lunch together? That wasn't an option considering I told Olivia we didn't hang out, and it would be weird to see him sitting next to my friends. Not that he doesn't fit to them, it would just be weird. Most of them aren't even my friends, they're Olivias. Or Coles. Either way, I don't like them. They're all fake as fuck. They talk about each other all the time. Gossiping, lying and snitching. Lots of dramas.

I checked my phone but I had no notifications. Was I expecting some? Sure. But my friends don't really text me, if they have an urgent problem they just call me. And Jaden doesn't have my number.
Weird that I was expecting any texts from him. We were only spending a day together, it wouldn't be a weird if we never talked again.

I was walking to school listening to music as always. It's distracting me from the fact that I have to sit in this ugly grey building for the next 8 hours. I know every teenager hates school.

Halfway there Olivia joined me and I gave her one of my earbuds, and she gave me a coffee, she always gets some before school for us. She really is a lifesaver. I liked that she still walked with me even if Cole offered her multiple times that he should drive her. But she insisted to walk with me.

The first few lessons went by and I decided to give myself a break and went to the restrooms. To check my phone even though nobody would text me. But there was this gut feeling that somebody would text me.

But when I turned on my phone I actually had a notification. A text from an unknown number. Scary, and exciting.

*maybe Jaden Gibson*
Hey wanna skip lunch break with me?

Oh my god, where did he get my number from? Very scary. Was he a stalker? Probably.

Sure, but where did you get my number from?!

That's a secret ;) meet me at the parking lots, if im not there yet just get in my car.

Okay, later I guess.

Later loser.

Stop calling me loser.

Definitely not.

That saved my day. Not only that I would be able to escape the school for one hour or two, but also that he texted me and still wanted to spend time with me. Stupid, but I was scared we would just live our life's and never talk to each other ever again. I didn't want this to end, whatever to was. We weren't fuckbuddies, we were schoolskipbuddies.

And for the first time that day, I smiled. I wiped the smile of my face and went back to class.

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