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I wasn't at the beach since last year. Even though I live so close to it, I mean its a 2 hour drive, I barely go there. I don't have a car and my parents don't really have time to drive me. And im not mad, I never thought about it to be honest. But I was really excited to go there again.

"Do you drive down here often" I asked. I kind of thought he would go there often with his friends to chill, I thought I heard Tyler saying something about the beach once. Or just Jaden alone, he also seems like he would do that, to meditate.
"Not really, every now and then. I sometimes go surfing, but the weather isn't always great for it here." He answered. Well, surfing was the third option. The fourth was that he loved walking on the beach imagining that he's a mermaid, or a merman. I don't know. Whatever floats his boat.
"Wait you surf? That's so cool" I said. I always wanted to learn how to surf. I think surfing is one of the coolest things you can do. It looks so easy, yet so hard. I know its pretty complicated and it's hard to manage the board, but it looks so effortlessly.

"Yeah, its awesome. I could teach you someday if you want" he said. I liked that he already planned to do stuff with me in the future, I enjoyed spending time with him. I really did. Even if we've known each other for a pretty short amount of time, I felt like I've known him for longer.
"That would be awesome" I said, through my big smile. I hate that I sometimes can't control my smile. My mom loves it, she says my dimples really come through then. I never knew I had dimples before she said that.

After 10 more minutes we arrived at the beach. It was very warm that day, so a lot of people were there. Family's with lots of kids, teenagers, couples, people on their first date, people on their last date? Grandparents, that went to the beach when they were younger, people that loved to reminisce here.

"It's pretty packed here huh?" Jaden said. I don't think he thought about all of these people the way I did. Sometimes its crazy to imagine that all of these individuals have their own life. Their own problems. Your own problems suddenly feel so small, so stupid.

"Yeah, let's walk over there, we could sit on the rocks" I said and pointed to the hot rocks on the left side of the beach.
"Yes that's a great idea" he said and sprinted to the rocks. Even though he hated P.E class, he was pretty athletic, and deep down I think he likes P.E class, he just doesn't wan to be like the other boys. He wants to stand out. And he does, but not because of that. He has a charming, nice side but also a pretty unknown persona, so he's not that popular. And he also says what he thinks a lot of the time, and some people don't like that.

"Hey wait!" I screamed and ran after him. I heard him laughing, even if the kids on the beach were really loud.

"Winner!" Jaden proudly screamed over the whole beach. I arrived seconds after him. There was literally no way he didn't like P.E class.
"Haha very funny" I said panting, and slapped his arm.
"What was that for?" He said confused. His eyebrows raised and for the first time I actually saw his eye color. They were hazel.

"That was your Price for being the winner" I said and chuckled.
"Really? That was kind of mean Cassie!" He said and laughed. I liked that he said my name randomly in his sentences.
I laughed even more.

"Dude what are you? A 50 years old teacher?" I chuckled and mocked him. "That was kind of mean Cassie" I repeated and changed my voice to mimic his.
He laughed and then stopped and just smiled at me. Then he grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder, walked in the water and threw me in.

"Jaden!" I screamed and stood up again, and tried to push him in the water too. But he just laughed at me and pushed me again.

"Who's laughing now?" He said and laughed even more, and I just sat in the water. I was too exhausted to get up again. He really was an asshole.
He saw that I didn't get up again and sat next to me in the water. The water went up to my chin when I sat down, but it just got right under his chest.

"I'm sorry, but we're good now. You made fun of me AND slapped me and I threw you in the water." He said. He wasn't wrong, but I was to stubborn to admit it. It was stupid anyway.

I didn't wanna answer so I just pushed him a little bit so he was fully underwater too. He got up again and spat out some water.

"Now we're good" I said and laughed. He laughed too.

"Come on, lets get out of the water, it's cold" I said. I was freezing. I didn't bring a sweater... a mistake. But in my defense, I didn't know I would swim today.

"No, lets swim a little bit, it's not that cold Cassie." He said and tried to provoke me again. He smiled, but evil.

"Okay, so lets swim jaden." I said and smiled. I tried to provoke him too. I tried to smile evil like him too, but I don't think it worked.

"Alright" he said and turned around, so he could dive in the water. As I was thinking about it, it was pretty cold, I wish I would've fought a little bit more so we would get out of the water. But I had no other choice. So I swam too.

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