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It was lunch break and I looked for Jadens car in the parking lot. I was worried that Olivia would kill me if she found out about this. But she spends lunch break with her boyfriend, so that should be alright for now. She's like a little kid, you can give her something and she will be distracted for at least 40 minutes.

His car wasn't locked, so I could sit in it if he wasn't there yet. And he wasn't there yet. I kinda felt uncomfortable just sitting in his car, I mean, I've known him for about 24 hours and he already trusted me like that. I was kind of proud.

I sat in the passenger seat for 3 minutes and was bored and mad. I wasn't mad that he let me wait I was mad that my phone battery was at 10%. But then I saw him standing in front of the school with Lukas. I actually thought he hated him, I mean he's a jock and an idiot. I mean he's nice and all but I just never thought they could get along I guess.

I thought about honking so I could get his attention, but then everybody would give me attention and see me in Jadens car, and that was honestly the last thing I wanted.

But then he saw me and said goodbye to Lukas, he even gave him a fist bump. Ugh. This move doesn't fit both of them. Jaden is, not like that and Lukas is also...not like that? They're both too smart for fist-bumps. I cant explain, but its true.

"Hey sorry for letting you wait." He said. As he git in the car.
"You're Friends with Lukas? Isn't he like the embodiment of boys you hate?" I said and laughed. He laughed too, but kind of annoyed and sarcastic. I hate when he does this.
"No we aren't friends, we just help each other out, I help him with his Homework and he helps me get through P.E class, you know his father is the teacher and coach?" He said trying to explain himself.
"But Lukas is really nice, you should try to be friends with him. It will probably help you more than just using him and getting used. Plus, why are you so bad in P.E class? You sure don't look like it." I said. Eww. Why did I say that. He liked that, I know it but he obviously had to answer with something rude or degrading to balance the tension. He's too predictable.
"Oh, you're friends with Lukas? I didn't know you had friends except Olivia?" He said and laughed. What a fucking asshole.
"I mean he isn't my best friend, we talk every now and then and fuck you? Olivia Isn't my only friend? And you're the one to talk, you have two friends my dear." I said and punched his shoulder. But he was kind of right, Olivia is my only friend, close friend.

"Anyways, where do you wanna go?" I asked. I was nervous but also calm, a weird feeling.
"I don't know just get something to eat I guess. Maybe the beach again." He said and smiled.
"We have classes later?" I said, I never knew I was so responsible.
"I don't care. Lets have fun mrs. Stuck up" He said trying to provoke me.
"I'm not stuck up mr. Soulmates aren't real" I said, I was still mad that he said that. I was mad because he was kind of right.
"You remember that? Sorry that I'm not into that shit." He said and laughed, and I had to laugh too. I hate him.

We got some food and drove down to the beach. It wasn't as packed as it was the day before, but still crowded. We sat down on the rocks again.

"Was school so bad that you prefer spending your day with me?" I asked as I was eating fries. I know you shouldn't talk while eating, but I don't care.
"Yeah, the Teachers hate me for some reason, and come on, you're not that bad to spend time with." He said and took a sip from his sprite. I just laughed. I didn't know an answer for what he said, neither the teacher thing or the thing about me. It was very nice what he said, but I can't believe it. Maybe I didn't want to.

"Your parents, what did they say about last night, that I dropped you off?" He asked after some minutes of silence.
"Oh they weren't home yet, I was alone the whole night, and this morning they were still asleep." I said and shoved the last fries in my mouth.
"Oh, okay. Do you have a good relationship with them?" He asked. He's so noisy.
"Yeah, they're cool." I said. I didn't wanna tell him that I'm adopted yet, that always ruins the mood for other people. It's always the questions, "do you know your real parents?" "Did they not want you?" "Why?" And I really wasn't in the mood for that.

"And your parents? Are you good with them?" I asked.
"Yeah yeah, my mom is caring and my dad is dead, but my stepdad is amazing. He's been there since I was three." He said and I was shocked.
"Your dad is dead?" I asked. Maybe I was ready to tell him.
"Yeah, a car accident. It happened when I was a few months old." He said.
"Omg, I'm so sorry. Maybe it will cheer you up again, but I don't know my real parents. I'm adopted." I said.
"Wait really? I didn't know." He said and took a sip from his sprite.
"Yeah but, for me they are my parents. I don't wanna know my real ones and I don't need to." I said.
"Yeah, yeah, maybe we aren't so different Cassie. I mean we both have a different family than others. And thats cool." He said.

Maybe we aren't so different.

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