Water || Lies To Oneself

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"What? If you want we can talk about this later or-"
"Later. Please?"
"Okay," our voices were hushed so we could finish our private chat. But before we return to the conversation between Jet and the others, he softly rubs his hand up and down on my shoulder, gives one last squeeze, then turns his face away from me. Sokka doesn't let go though. Half of me stuck to his side due to his grip.

"You two had some impressive bending out there. Haven't seen anything but fire for a long while."
"Thanks!" Katara graciously accepted the compliment for both her and Aang, seeing as he was interacting with some of the other Freedom Fighters.

The way he was trying to convince me even sounded the same...

Sokka leads me away from Jet, and I absentmindedly move my feet and legs. At this point I'm so consumed by my thoughts I don't register the fact that I've been sat down.

"Y/n, what's going on?"
"He just sounds so much like him. Even the hair," I manage to choke out, fighting back a wave of tears.

"Who? That Fishen or whatever guy?" I let out a small laugh at his butchering of his name, as his face lights up with a goofy grin. He lightly pokes me in the side, making me laugh even more. "Let's just figure out Jet's whole deal, find a place to settle down for the night and we can talk about it, alright? Or even if you'd prefer to say nothing at all. Okay?"


He holds up a fist to me, and I simply stare at it. "...Bracelet buddies?" Sokka's eyes give me silent instructions, switching from my wrist back to my face.
"Bracelet buddies," I lightly tap my knuckles against his, and he gives me a gentle smile. The little charms we both have dangle loosely, creating shattered reflections on our fingers.

The Freedom Fighters continue to poke around the camp, taking anything they find to fit their liking. Jet has zoned in on Katara, seeing as I try to distract myself with the leather braid on my wrist. That and talking to Smellerbee. She complimented me on my use of my switchblade against the guy with the sword. I teach her about the method I used as she is well versed in multiple types of combat involving blades.

"Ah, we're going back to the hideout. Care to join us Y/n?"
What other choice do I have? Everyone else is going there already, "Yeah, sure."

I trail farther in the back of the group, not bothering to speak up unless someone starts a conversation. The flora around us thickens as we advance farther into the safety of the woods. More of the warm colors appear, with remaining summer flowers visibly showing their vibrant petals against the rusty pallet. Sokka has once again appeared at my side, and within my peripheral vision I see his blue irises check over me multiple times.

"We're here," Jet announces. I peak over the bunched crowd and all we've been lead to is a clearing scattered with dried leaves.

Sokka gestures to the empty space, " Where? There's nothing here."

Suddenly but silently, tendrils of rope appear from the canopy. There isn't a lot, but enough to where we could get everyone to wherever we're going.

Jet takes one of the ropes, leading it over to Sokka and I. He wears a smug expression, although it has playful intentions. "Hold this."

"Why? What's this do?" he gingerly accepts it, giving the impression it could implode any moment. Without hesitation, his arm jerks up and he lets out a shocked scream. Sokka instantly claws at me, grabbing hold of my arm as I am now unwillingly being launched into the trees with him.

"SOKKA!" I shout at him in a mix of anger and fear. I bring my free hand up around his torso, and he fixes his grip so he's holding my back, pressing me to him.

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