Water || The Iceberg

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The writing gets better as the story goes on, and in newer chapters I'm taking out a lot of the blushing stuff because I want it to be more realistic, as I don't blush myself. Also, this is my first time writing a story so I have definitely improved in quality over time. I hope you keep reading and enjoy the story!! <3

Ouch. Why does my head hurt so bad?

I try my best to put my hands up to my head, but I feel so numb that I can't register if I'm touching anything at all. A sound of a thousand miniature bells roars in my ears, but I think its fading. A cool breeze creeps across my face as I try my best to open my eyes. I can hear voices, but they seem too far away. No, no they're close! My eyes finally focus as the blue landscape surrounding me comes into perspective.

Who could that possibly be... where could I be? Wait, where's Aang?

Then I hear something like a loud sneeze, and I see someone rocket into the air. I sit up so fast that I don't even feel my head hurt anymore, but I quickly lurch forward as the world starts to spin.

"Y/N!" I hear the boy shout.

I look up and see Aang, quickly embracing me in a hug. I hear rapid footsteps coming towards us, and attempt to stand up (with some help from Aang of course).

A girl and boy run up to us, but stand a small distance away.

"I'm Aang, and this is Y/N!" Aang responds to the blue figures before wiping his nose and giving them a kind smile. I attempt to do the same but I let out a small yelp of pain.

I hope they didn't hear that...

The boy spoke in astonishment, "You just sneezed! And flew 10 feet in the air!"

"Really? It felt higher than that."

I let out a small laugh, and notice that the duo look similar to my age. And the boy is rather cute...

The girl let out a gasp, "You're an airbender! Are you a bender too Y/N?"

"No, but Aang and I are good friends."

The girl's face displays a look of disappointment for a fraction of a second, before returning to her joyful expression.

"My name's Katara, and this is my brother Sokka."

"Don't tell them our names! Ugh Katara!"

Katara punched him in the arm and he let out a small "Hey!" before turning to face away from us.

"Giant light beams, flying bison, people in icebergs, airbenders- I think I got midnight sun madness." Sokka said as he strolled to the edge of the iceberg, "I'm going home to where stuff make sense."

There was a small moment of silence as Sokka realizes there is no way he could make it back without a boat, and I don't see any around for miles.

"If you guys are stuck, Y/N, Appa and I can give you a lift!" Aang explained to break the silence, and casually airbended on top of Appa's head to control the reigns.

"Thanks!" Katara ran towards Appa, and Aang helped her up onto the saddle.

"Oh no, I am not getting on that fluffy snot monster."

"Sokka, I don't see any boats around here for miles. I promise Appa won't bite." I say with a slight grin.

He lets out a sigh and climbs on top of Appa. I follow behind him, and he reaches down to give me a hand. I grab his hand and climb up towards the saddle. I start to get in but my foot catches on the side and I tumble forward, crashing straight into Sokka's chest, causing him to lean back on his elbows. I look up and see him slightly blushing and I scramble to get up and sit down next to him.

"Sorry!" I blurt out. I can feel my face getting hot.

Please don't say my face isn't bright red, please no-

"It's okay, d-don't worry about it."

I exhale and avert my eyes from his.

This is so embarrassing! I pull my knees up and bury my face into them.

"Okay, first-time flyers, hold on tight! Appa, yip yip!" Aang exclaims.

Appa lets out a growl and launches himself into the air, and belly flops into the surrounding water.

"Wow. That was truly amazing." Sokka replies sarcastically.

"Appa's just a little tired. After some rest, he'll be soaring through the sky!"

I uncurl myself out of a ball and look around at the icy scenery around me, and Katara moves to the front of the saddle. Aang looks at her with a goofy smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?"

"Oh. I was smiling?"

"Someone's got a little crush." I whisper to Sokka.

"Tell me about it." He rolls his eyes.

I giggle, and we share a smile together before we continue on our way to their village.

After a bit, I give in to the weight of my eyelids, and drift off to sleep.

Time Skip: After being on Appa for about half an hour...

Sokka's Pov

Y/N fell asleep, and I'm still not sure we can trust her and Aang. For all we know, they could be spies!

I watch as Y/N's head falls onto my shoulder. I tense up, but quickly relax as Katara shoots me a look. I'm not too sure what to do, but I hope we make it back to the village soon, because I really could go for a snack right now.

And before I know it, I slip into unconsciousness.


NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: the writing gets better as the story goes on, and in newer chapters i'm taking out a lot of the blushing stuff because I want it to be more realistic, as I don't blush myself. also, this is my first time writing a story so i have definetly improved in quality over time. i hope you keep reading and enjoy the story!! <3

First part done yay! I hope you like this so far! I am thinking of possibly doing small intervals and switching between Povs, but they'll probably stay relatively short so it will mostly be your own Pov throughout the story. I might write some more soon so look out for that! Also, other chapters will probably be longer, but idk lets just see how it goes :)

Word count: (951)

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