Water || High Risk Traders

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Sokka sets me back down, both of us radiating with pure joy. Aang and Katara have crossed the pond to join us, and the young Avatar is beaming directly at us.

"Y/n! You're all better now!" he sends an air current towards me, and dries both me and my clothes off in an instant. "Get dressed so we can find a market place!"

I quickly put on my Earth Kingdom attire while the others were trying to figure out a plan. Sokka was drawing something in the dirt, which I'm guessing iss some sort of map. Aang airbended himself up towards the top of the waterfall, and Katara was salvaging what was left over of our supplies.

I sit down next to Sokka, "What's the plan?"

"Aang said he might've seen a village nearby so were going to check it out. It should be downstream, this way," he dragged the stick along the earth, my eyes following its path. He looks over his shoulder, "Katara, what were you able to find?"

"Well we have money left over from King Bumi, a bag, Y/n's herbs, burn medicine, and flask, Aang's glider, your tools, my canteen, and some other stuff too. A trip to the market would be a good idea, but we have to be wise about how we spend our money."

Aang landed next to the Water Tribe girl, happily grinning. "Sokka your maps a little off. There's a bend in the river here, and we have to take a turn this way otherwise we'll get lost."

"Okay, let's get going!"

Time Skip: At the market...

Large shacks litter the marketplace, street vendors with carts and stands wander around, trying their best to gain a multitude of customers. Red paper lanterns are strung between rooftops, not giving off much light due to the sun's consistent rays.

Unlike the other places we've been to, the shoppers are adorned with battle scars, dressed in armor, a few with missing appendages, sometimes an eye here or there. A slight chill runs up my spine as I try my best not to leave any lingering stares. Boats are docked along the shore, having items from far away places up for sale. We've stayed in the main area, but I'm sure we'll make our way out to the ships soon enough.

Sokka volunteered to carry the bag, the strap resting over his boomerang carrier. Aang was given the important task of managing our money, and I hope he didn't run off and spend it behind our backs. I know he's 112, but sometimes he acts more like he's eight.

A few stalls had caught my eye but I know that we have to be careful with what we pick. I also want wait till we get to the boats. Maybe I could find on that had some distant remembrance of my home.

I really need to find a comb soon or my hair is going to be completely matted into a nest of knots. I haven't seen any so far, so I hope that I can snag one for real cheap.

As we keep wandering through the streets, Aang's smile never leaves his face, taking any chance there is to look at something completely new. I keep an eye on him, making sure that no swindlers force him to buy something we don't need. He seems to be doing good on his own, so I aid Katara and Sokka in picking out food, spare materials, and anything else we could possibly need.

After a while, I take a break with Aang and Katara while Sokka went into one last shop. I lightly toss the hilt of my switchblade between my palms, and I'm so glad I was able to get it polished. The stone is smooth once again, and I hope that it will stay this way for a while.

Sokka emerges out of the shop with a downcast look, "We've got three copper pieces left from the money King Bumi left us. Let's spend it wisely."

"Uh, make that two copper pieces, Sokka," Aang nervously puts his hands behind his back as Momo rests on his shoulder. "I couldn't say no to this whistle."

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