Water || Mindful Realization

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"Are you okay, Y/N? What happened?" Aang let go of the reigns and twisted around to see me. Appa had climbed back up into the security of the clouds, and we were shielded from any more attacks.

"Yeah, I think so. I kinda had a little bit of a flashback, or some kind of panic attack. I was reminded of when Zuko burned me, but I'm okay now. I know that I can give you a signal if it happens again. I promise," I reassure him.

"Alright, that sounds good. That was really scary Y/N, so please tell someone next time."

"I'll get better over time," I take in a ragged breath. "It's not going to go away in an instant, but I really appreciate all of you wanting to help," I turn my head side to side, offering a small smile to everyone.

Katara puts a hand on my shoulder and Sokka lightly pats me on the back. I have all of these people around me who care, and I know that I can trust them. I'm safe, and if I feel myself being dragged into the dark, they are the ones who can help guide me out. They are the light at the end of the cave, and they will keep me on course.

To be completely honest, I need to think back to what actually happened that day to gain closure. I don't think Zuko was actually trying to burn me on purpose. Everything was moving too fast, but I'm trying to shift through the little snapshots that stick in my brain. I need to go through the events, sort through my blurred visions to make them clear again.

"We have some time before we'll get there, so let's try to relax," Sokka says softly.

I cross my legs into the lotus position and I rest the backs of my hands on my thighs, palms up. "I'm going to meditate for a bit if that's okay with everyone."

"We'll try to be quiet," Katara responds.

I close my eyes as a breeze rolls against my exposed skin. My sinuses are no longer stuffy, and my throat isn't backed up. I focus in on my breathing, and let everything but that day go. I let my emotions loose, let them fly away in the wind and keep only the ones I remember within my core. I can sense the fear, pain, and rage, but I don't let it take over. I'm at peace and can sit with it all, not a single weight pushing on my shoulders.

The Air Nomads had taught me how to meditate this way, where you could look back on memories to gain a clear head. To let your feelings flow freely, to rid yourself of chains that hold you down to the past. I used it only twice before, while Monk Gyatso was teaching me about spiritual meditation. I was struggling a lot with loosing my parents, so he told me this strategy to visit them one last time. To re-live those wonderful moments we shared, to keep them with me while carrying on.

I see a boy and a girl in green dresses, sitting on the ground in the center of a dark expanse of space. There is light shining upon them, and there's a slight orange and yellow that flickers around them. It imitates the flames that were in the village, casting dramatic shadows on both their painted faces.

I look down and turn my leg to the side, and see that I haven't been burned yet. I knew that the blow was coming, but since it wasn't in reality, I wouldn't have any pain. I spin on my heel, not wanting to look at Suki kissing Sokka. After a few moments I watch as Zuko's body fades into view, and he assumes a firebending position. He launched fire towards me, but I stand my ground. The flames lick my shin, and the mark of a scar appears on the side of my calf. A blue, translucent form of me in Water Tribe garments splits away. She keels over, and I can hear Sokka calling out to her.

I ignore it, because that's not why I'm here. I walk forwards a few steps and spread my arms out wide. The air around me feels heavy, and everyone freezes in place. I keep advancing towards Zuko, and my breath hitches out of shock. He doesn't look strong and filled with anger.

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