Water || The Sanctuary

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I slowly wake up, and find myself propped up against a wall with Sokka standing next to me. He has one hand on his chin, the other holding onto his arm. His ankles are crossed, and I can see he's deep in thought, so I lightly tug on his pant leg to gain his attention. His head swivels down to face me, and a warm smile is painted on his lips.

"Where are we?" I ask in a hoarse voice.

"Shyu, the Fire Sage guy, helped take us to the sanctuary. Aang's gonna be able to talk to Avatar Roku, but we can't get through the door because it's locked. And now I'm just trying to think of how we can get in."

"...the Fire Sages must open the doors together with five simultaneous fire blasts."

"Five fire blasts, huh? I think I can help you out. Y/n, can I borrow your switchblade?"

Aang snaps his head in my direction at the mention of my name, and flings himself at me. "Y/n, I'm so glad you're awake! I'm so sorry that I made you pass out, I didn't realize you would fly into the wall. Does your head still hurt?"

He wraps me up in a tight hug, and I do the same. Aang buries his face into the fabric of my shirt, so I rest my chin on top of his arrow, "Yes, my head doesn't hurt too bad. Don't worry about it Aang, I'm okay."

"Okay. Again, I'm really sorry."

"Again, you really don't need to worry about it. I got some much needed rest, and yeah, Sokka you can borrow my switchblade."

Aang breaks away, but stays next to me, sitting on his knees. I slide the jade hilt into Sokka's palm, and he gets right to work. He's explaining everything that's happening as he puts his plan into action.

He takes the lantern that was hanging on the wall above him, and reveals that candles weren't being used, but small vats of lamp oil. He is able to puncture the top with my knife, and I can see dark liquid sloshing around inside. He takes out a few small strings of rope along with some sort of material, and starts creating five sacks. I have absolutely no idea where he kept all of this, but I'm guessing they picked up some stuff on the way up here.

"This is a little trick I picked up from my Father. I seal the lamp oil inside an animal skin casing," he takes one of the vials of fuel and pours it out into one of the bags. He pulls the ends of the rope and fastens it shut. "Shyu lights the oil-soaked twine, and ta da~! Fake firebending!"

He holds out the bag as if it were some precious gem, and Momo crouches next to him, batting at one of the loose strings. Aang stands up, but I stay seated, rooted to my spot. I don't know where my cane is at this point, so hopefully it's around here somewhere.

"You've really outdone yourself this time, Sokka."

"This might actually work."

"Let me grab your cane!" Aang hurries off to behind one of the poles and comes back with my walking stick.

I thankfully take it from him, and he helps get me back onto my feet. I feel like my head weighs a thousand pounds, and I slightly droop forward. Aang quickly places a hand on my chest to keep me from toppling over, and guides me away towards one of the pillars. Sokka starts shoving the dormant bombs into the open mouths of five dragons. I'm finally able to focus on the sanctuary around me as I lean against a large statue that's arms reach up to support the roof.

There's a big door that reminds me of the Southern Air Temple, but it's lock is much more complex. The dragons have their teeth bared, and ruby eyes glinting in the faint light. Where their "bodies" should be are spiraling lines that are intertwining with one another, and finally wrap around a huge, blood red jewel. There are two door handles with spikes on the ends, and the door frame is made of the same redstone that was used at the entrance of the temple. There was a fire made of three golden flames attached behind the winding creatures, making them appear to be in front of a raging campfire.

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