Water || Elephant Koi

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Sokka held the map in outstretched arms, trying to identify where we are. Aang was steering Appa, and we haven't seen land for a while. Katara sat up towards the front, while I sat more towards the back.

"You have no idea where you're going, do you?"

"Well, I know it's near water."

"I guess we're getting close then," Sokka sarcastically responds.

I decide now would be a good time to show everyone what I found in my room at the Southern Air Temple, since I have no idea how far we actually are from Aang's next chosen destination. I calmly empty out my pockets, and display the items in a neat line on the saddle.

"What's all this?" Katara curiously picks up one of the small vials containing a leafy substance.

I point to everything as I describe what it is: "In this silver pot is Burn Medicine, some extra bandages I had left behind, a flask to carry water with me on my journey to the Air Temple, a rock I used to sharpen my switchblade in the forest, and some herbs my Mother gave to me. I wish she had labeled them though, because I'm not too sure what they are actually used for. They might have been some left over stuff from the teas my Father liked to make, but I can't really tell."

"Gran Gran showed me some stuff about the things we kept back home, so there could a few I can identify. I could look at these later if you want! Sokka asked me to fix a hole in his pants first."

"That would be great Katara! Thanks! I'll just put them away for now."

I move to the back and carefully place the collection of trinkets with the rest of my stuff. Katara takes out some thread and a needle, and Sokka hands her his pants. She gets started on fixing them, which reminds me of something I need to fix up too.

My clothes! The one's from the Air Temple! I should ask her before I forget about it.

I dig through the surrounding packs, and find my Earth Kingdom attire. They're a little rough around the edges, and a couple tears can be found here and there.

"Katara, do you have any extra supplies I can use?"

"Of course!" Katara hands me a needle and some thread, and I try to patch up the small tears, but every time I look away they seem to multiply.

I never was the greatest at sewing, and my Mother tried to teach me a couple of times. I know how to thread a needle, and somewhat hem a skirt. Fixing little rips didn't seem that bad. I still watch Katara every once in a while to see how she skillfully works the sharp point through the fabric, leaving no trace of a hole ever existing in the first place.

"Momo, marbles please!" I look over my shoulder and see Momo fetch little silver marbles out of Aang's shirt.

"Hey, Katara, check out this airbending trick." Aang presses his hands on top of each other, with the toys sandwiched between his palms. He separates them, and airbends the two marbles to spin in a circle. They go so fast that it looks like a solid grey ring is floating in mid air.

Katara doesn't take her eyes off the pants, "That's great, Aang."

"You didn't even look." I don't think Aang can see that she's sewing over the side of the saddle.

She stops and turns her head, "That's great."

"But I'm not doing it right now."

"Stop bugging her, Airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their sewing." Sokka gestures towards us.

Katara and I stop working in unison, and give him disapproving looks.

"What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?"

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