Water || Kyoshi Warriors

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I decide to get up and explore the village. It was organized in two lines of buildings with a central path down the middle, and some huts were off to the sides and are accessible through small alleyways. There was an outdoor market filled with fresh produce and other products. I figure out that we were tied up to the statue of Avatar Kyoshi at the very end of the village. This place somewhat reminds me of home, and I feel like I can breath without a threat looming over my head.

I take one of the alleyways and stumble upon the Kyoshi Warriors' training building. I can see through the open door that Sokka was challenging Suki. I watch from behind a nearby tree, and Suki easily swings him around, using his belt to tie his hand to his foot. His face is flushed, and I'm guessing the girls were laughing at him.

I giggle quietly and move on, farther into the island's wilderness. There is a stream covered with a sheet of ice, and I bet in the summer this place looks wonderful.

When I was younger, Father would take me out to a nearby pond and made special shoes with blades on the bottom. We could glide across the ice with ease, and it felt like I was flying. I remember spinning around in circles, and dancing with my friends. It was such a joy to be on the ice, and how I wish I could go home and grab my shoes.

I gingerly walk on the ice, and my feet slide slowly. I gain my balance, and simulate the movements I made all those years ago. The spins, the jumps, chin up, slightly bent knees. I weave my hands in the air like the dancing we would do. Soon, it gets easier and easier to move on the surface of the frozen water.

"What are you doing?"

The sudden voice makes me skid on the ice, sprawling out on the frosty land. My eyes find a confused Sokka staring at me from the edge of the stream.

"Oh! Um I was just- uh, ice skating?"I say nervously.
We never gave this activity a name, but I guess this will suffice.

"Ice skating? What's that?"

"Let me show you," I make my way over to him and hold out both of my hands for him to grab onto.
"We don't have any skates here, but you could learn easier with your boots anyways."

"O-okay," He takes both my hands, holding tight for balance, and I lead him onto the ice.

I start moving my feet as if I were wearing my special shoes, and Sokka catches on pretty quickly. I had to instruct him on how to fix a couple mistakes though, because it was the little things he kept messing up on. He wasn't too bad at it, but he still hasn't let go of my right arm.

"And now, we dance!" I take both of his hands and start spinning us in a circle. His eyes widened with surprise, and I laugh. Soon, he starts laughing too.

I show him some of the tricks we learned how to do on the ice, and he tries a few himself with little success. Towards the end I teach him a dance that I've seen some people do at the pond.

We stand close together, and I could see his breath in the frigid air. I placed one of his hands on my waist and the other laced together with mine. I put my free hand on his shoulder, and we start moving side to side, creating lazy circles as we slide along the ice. I let go of his shoulder, and spin myself under his arm before returning to our previous position. This time, we were much closer.

"Hey Y/N, what's this dance called?"

"Um, I'm not too sure. I've seen people do it before though. I could teach you the more advanced parts later if you want."

"Sure, that would be great," He smiled.

I felt my heart speed up, and I could feel myself blushing. Sokka looked like he was blushing too, but I don't know if that's from the cold air or because of me...

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